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Piozzi does not, so far as I know, deny it more than three years passed before Johnson was told of his rudeness. Baretti, in a MS. note on Piozzi Letters, ii. 12, says that the story was 'Mr. Cholmondeley's running away from his creditors. In this he is certainly wrong; yet if Mr. Cholmondeley had run away, and others gave the same explanation of the passage, his soreness is easily accounted for.

Cholmondeley's guests, a young lady who had imprudently attempted the ascent of a dangerous mountain without a guide, and who lost her life in the experiment. A short extract from a letter to Mrs. Charles Skirrow will show that even in this complete seclusion Mr. Browning's patriotism did not go to sleep.

His Royal Highness who wanted to pay off Brummell for an insult he had received at Lady Cholmondeley's ball, when the beau, turning towards the Prince, said to Lady Worcester, "Who is your fat friend?" had invited him to dinner merely out of a desire for revenge.

I had hardly time to recasket my treasures and lock them up when she was at my side her humour seemed none of the best. "It has been a stupid evening: they are stupid people," she began. "Who? Mrs. Cholmondeley? I thought you always found her house charming?" "I have not been to Mrs. Cholmondeley's." "Indeed! Have you made new acquaintance?" "My uncle de Bassompierre is come."

The irresistible appeal of the book to the heart is due to the fact that Jane Eyre never seems conscious of what she is giving, but only of what she is receiving; and it is this that makes her gift so regal, so splendid a thing. Side by side with this book I would set a recent work, Miss Cholmondeley's Prisoners.

Cholmondeley's presents; but still, visiting went on, and the absolutely necessary dresses continued to be supplied: also many little expensive etcetera gloves, bouquets, even trinkets.

Johnson, dated in 1777 , which begins thus: 'Cholmondeley's story shocks me, if it be true, which I can hardly think, for I am utterly unconscious of it: I am very sorry, and very much ashamed . Why then publish the anecdote? Or if she did, why not add the circumstances, with which she was well acquainted! In his social intercourse she thus describes him :