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Lord CHOLMONDELEY rose next, and spoke to this effect: My lords, if the dangers that threaten our happiness and our safety be such as they have been represented; if ambition has extended her power almost beyond a possibility of resistance, and oppression, elated with success, begins to design no less than the universal slavery of mankind; if the powers of Europe stand aghast at the calamities which hang over them, and listen with helpless confusion to that storm which they can neither avoid nor resist, how ought our conduct to be influenced by this uncommon state of affairs?

In all probability few or none of them would have escaped, had not general Huske, and brigadier Cholmondeley, rallied part of some regiments, and made a gallant stand, which favoured the retreat of the rest to Falkirk, from whence they retired in confusion to Edinburgh, leaving the field of battle, with part of their tents and artillery, to the rebels; but their loss of men did not exceed three hundred, including sir Robert Monro, colonel Whitney, and some other officers of distinction.

Fitz-Gerald Venice Favourite Alpine Retreats Mrs. Arthur Bronson Life in Venice A Tragedy at Saint-Pierre Mr. Cholmondeley Mr. Browning's Patriotic Feeling; Extract from Letter to Mrs. Charles Skirrow 'Dramatic Idyls' 'Jocoseria' 'Ferishtah's Fancies'. The catastrophe of La Saisiaz closed a comprehensive chapter in Mr. Browning's habits and experience.

There's Joseph White, master of the mission smack Cholmondeley, a splendid feller he is; an' Bogers of the Cephas, an' Snell of the Ruth, an' Kiddell of the Celerity, an' Moore of the M.A.A., an' Roberts of the Magnet, an' Goodchild and Brown, an' a lot more, all first-rate fellers, whose little fingers are worth the whole o' your big body."

"But how funny; they all look just like sticks of wood." "That is Nature's plan of protective colouring. In the same way apricots have often escaped with their lives by sitting in the cream and pretending to be poached eggs." "The same instinct of self-preservation," added Archie, "has led many a pill called Beauchamp to pronounce its name Cholmondeley."

Above all is the interest in the preachers themselves. "There were giants in those days, and for the most part our ministers were good and noble men. Of their goodness and sincerity these annals bear witness!" Publishers 64-66 Fifth Avenue New York Christine By ALICE CHOLMONDELEY Cloth, 12mo., $1.25

You and I know one who would not have been so gracious: I do not mean my nephew Lord Cholmondeley. Adieu! I am tired to death. P.S. I have seen the Duchess of Beaufort; who sings your praises quite in a tune I like. Her manner is much unpinioned to what it was, though her person remains as stately as ever; and powder is vastly preferable to those brown hairs, of whose preservation she was so fond.

Liverpool had declared against them; Chester was in the hands of the Earl of Cholmondeley; the bridges of the Mersey had been broken down; difficulties and dangers multiplied on all sides.

In this instance, as in many others, the "monks of old" showed their taste in choosing one of the most beautiful and fertile sites in the county for their residence. The Cheshire prophet, Nixon, lived as ploughboy with the Cholmondeley family, according to tradition, for which we no more answer than for his prophecies, doubts having recently been thrown on both.

Cholmondeley, in a high flow of spirits, exhibited some lively sallies of hyperbolical compliment to Johnson, with whom she had been long acquainted, and was very easy. He was quick in catching the MANNER of the moment, and answered her somewhat in the style of the hero of a romance, 'Madam, you crown me with unfading laurels. We talked of a lady's verses on Ireland.