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But begorra, there's more ways o' killin' a dog than by chokin' him wid butther." There is a growing feeling among the farmers that the land will be heavily taxed to raise revenue, and that this means expatriation to the labouring classes, who will swarm to England in greater numbers than ever.

Stewart seemed kind of chokin', an' he seemed to hev been bewildered by the idee of Hawe's confrontin' you. "An' finally he burst out: 'But, man, think who it is! It's Miss Hammond! If you seen her, even if you was locoed or drunk, you you couldn't do it. "'Couldn't I? Wal, I'll show you damn quick. What do I care who she is? Them swell Eastern women I've heerd of them. They're not so much.

Lute, who had been listening at the dining-room window and had heard only fragments of the brief interview, was in a state of added incoherence. "Well, by time!" he gasped. "What what sort of talk was that? Chokin' a cat! A cat!! We ain't got no cat." "Haven't we?" I observed. "Why, no, so we haven't! Perhaps you had better explain that to Mr. Keene, Lute.

"'There, Huldy, he says, quite red in the face, 'we've got him now; 'and he travelled off to the barn with him as lively as a cricket. "Huldy came behind jist chokin' with laugh, and afraid the minister would look 'round and see her. "'Now, Huldy, we'll crook his legs, and set him down, says the parson, when they got him to the nest: 'you see he is getting quiet, and he'll set there all right.

Then Ruddy and my pa stepped to one side and talked secret; and then my pa said out loud that it was all right, and chokin' would not be barred; but of course what one could do, the other could. Jack Plunkett laughed at this an awful mockin' laugh, because he was the most terrible choker in the county and felt he could get the best of anybody in a chokin' match.

"If that ain't a woman for you, miserable because she's happy. Say, stop chokin' me; I won't stand for much more of this nonsense, you might know I don't like these to-dos!" "You don't know what I've suffered, Joe!" "That's a woman for you every time always thinkin' of herself!

"Yes, I kilt him.... He hed done beat me an' he war chokin' me.... His misuse of me war what him an' Ken fell out erbout.... I war too proud ter tell anybody else ... but Ken knowed.... I was faintin' away with John's fingers on my throat.... We was right by ther table whar his own pistol lay.... I grabbed hit up an' shot. Ken come ter ther door jest es hit went off."

And at last, when 'twas pretty dark and I was cal'latin' to be about abreast of the bay end of the Cut-through, I heard from somewheres ashore a dismal honkin' kind of noise, same as a wild goose might make if 'twas chokin' to death and not resigned to the worst. "'My land! says I. 'It's happened! And I come about and headed straight in for the beach.

"Well, as I was sayin', there I am and all I can see through the fog is one 'a these here big lighted signs down the street with 'George's Place' on it, and a pitcher of a big glass of beer. Me to George's, at once. When Levy himself finds me there, about daylight, I'm tryin' to tell a gang of Silases how it all happened and chokin' up every time so's I have to have another.

"'Twa'n't no time at all 'til he was chokin' an' burnin' red with fever, an' his pa and me, stout as we be, couldn't hold him down nor keep him kivered. He was speechifyin' to beat anythin' you ever heard. His pa said he was repeatin' what he'd heard said by every big stump speaker from Greeley to Logan.