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It was on the happy day that saw Miss Eliza La Heu again providing me with sandwiches and chocolate that my knowledge of the wedding and the bride and groom began really to take some steps forward. It was not I who, at my sequestered lunch at the Woman's Exchange, began the conversation the next time.

A few pale blue wreaths of wood smoke were rising straight up into the clear morning air here and there over the roofs of the houses, showing that the early cup of chocolate was already in course of preparation for the luxury-loving Panamans, or possibly it might indicate that the working portion of the population were preparing their breakfast; and, peering through his perspective glass, George could see that the quay was already the scene of a considerable amount of animation.

"Oh, Emily, did you ever hear anything so funny?" Emily couldn't see the funny side of it. It was tragic and it was disconcerting. "I don't know what to do. Perhaps you'd better call a taxi." "He's shivering, Emily. I believe I'll make him a cup of chocolate." "Dear child, it will be a lot of trouble " "I'd like to do it really." "Very well."

They turned over ten cases of jam, some of the cases containing as many as four hundred small jars, to the Red Cross, who served it on hot biscuits. The first day two Salvation Army girls served more than ten thousand soldiers in their canteen. They did not even stop to eat. The Red Cross brought them over hot chocolate as they worked.

Item: the said gibbets inclosed in a sea of jelly. Item: a tongue of beef with tomatoes, which rendered us all tongue-tied automatoes. Item: a compote of pigeons with caused us to think the angels had had a finger in it. Item: a timbale of macaroni surrounded by chocolate custards. The wines of Roussillon and those of the banks of the Rhone completely effaced those of Champagne and Burgundy.

Down in hospitable Suite 10 the social spirit was rampant. The Basket-ball victory was being celebrated by a spread. Light bell did not ring until ten Saturday nights. Beverly was in the act of biting into a chocolate eclair when Miss Stetson came to the door. Beverly was sitting back to it and supposed it was one of her companions.

Everyone called him Juan, as though he was an old friend. Cogan remembered how, on that night in Colon, the hat dealer was as proud as could be of his brother; but no more proud, he now saw, than was everybody here in Lima. "A barrier of light boarding was raised, and there was the bull, a big, chocolate colored fellow, with heavy shoulders and horns that must have spread three feet.

"This evening after study hour, I intend making some hot chocolate. Marshall shall buy me some nice fresh wafers when he goes down the street." "Thank you, I shall be there," said Mame. "No, you shall not. That is what I wish to speak to you about. The moment the half-hour bell rings, I wish you to go down to Hester Alden's room and I wish you to keep her there until I call to you and her to come.

One of Mrs. Dudley's prettiest tablecloths was spread on a little piney level close to the brook, and Polly set out the paper plates and cups and the boxes of food. "Which do you like best, Mr. Randolph, coffee or chocolate?" Polly queried anxiously. "I will answer as a little boy of my acquaintance did, 'Whichever you have the most of."

At length, Mabel lifted Lina's face from her bosom, and kissing the white forehead, bade her sit down and partake of the breakfast that stood upon a little table at her side. She filled a cup with chocolate from the small silver kettle, and pressed it upon the young girl. "My heart is too full I cannot taste a drop," said Lina.