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Promenading up and down the garden path with Chinny and Biddy, the ancient Pekes, was the mater. Of course Reginald was fond of the mater and all that. She she meant well, she had no end of grit, and so on. But there was no denying it, she was rather a grim parent.

It was placed top down in the cart, and the rest of the things went between the legs without bulging sufficiently to cause Chinny any anxiety. Just then the picket gave a low, earnest whistle, and they were aware of a policeman standing statue-like under the lamp on the opposite corner, and apparently unaware of their existence. He was looking, sphinx-like, past them towards the city.

"It can't be helped; we must put on front an' go on with it now," said Bill. "He's all right, I think," said Chinny. "He knows me." "He can't do nothin'," said Bill; "don't mind him, Mrs Aspinall. Don't be frightened of the dorg-what are you frightened of? Why! he'd only apologize if you trod on his tail." The dog went under the cart, and kept his tail carefully behind him.

Her meditations on chinny Australians lasted till they reached the Fairy Dell, the sight of which chased every other thought from her head. Surrounded by she-oaks and native cherry trees a smoothly curved hollow lay at the foot of a rocky declivity, its sides clothed with ferns almost startlingly green amidst the dried-up grass which covered most of the country around.

Bill took charge of two of the children; Mrs Aspinall carried the youngest. "Go ahead, Chinny," said Bill.

So that whenever Reggie was homesick out there, sitting on his dark veranda by starlight, while the gramophone cried, "Dear, what is Life but Love?" his only vision was of the mater, tall and stout, rustling down the garden path, with Chinny and Biddy at her heels... The mater, with her scissors outspread to snap the head of a dead something or other, stopped at the sight of Reggie.

He did not, however, neglect to leave certain matters to future consideration, which had necessitated further visits, so that the little back room had become quite accustomed to his spare, not unsolid, but unobtrusive figure, and his pale, chinny face with clipped moustache and dark hair not yet grizzling at the sides.

In his cousin's face, with its unseizable family likeness to himself, and its chinny, narrow, concentrated look, Jolyon saw that which moved him to the thought: 'That chap could never forget anything nor ever give himself away. He's pathetic! When young Val left the presence of the last generation he was thinking: 'This is jolly dull! Uncle Soames does take the bun.

He did not, however, neglect to leave certain matters to future consideration, which had necessitated further visits, so that the little back room had become quite accustomed to his spare, not unsolid, but unobtrusive figure, and his pale, chinny face with clipped moustache and dark hair not yet grizzling at the sides.

"Henny Penny" and "Billy Bobtail" told by Jacobs as "How Jack went to seek his Fortune" are prime favourites. Repetition of rhythmic phrases has a great attraction, as in "Three Little Pigs," with its delightful repetition of "Little pig, little pig, let me come in," "No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin," "Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in."