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The guide made the introduction with an all-embracing sweep of his hand. "Chang Foo ladies and gentlemen," he announced; then held up his hand for silence. You will see here the real life of the Chinese, and in half an hour you will get what few would get in a lifetime spent in China itself.

All the mineral resources of China are the prey of the Japanese, and they have secured 80 per cent of them by bribery of the Peking government. Talk to a Chinese and he will tell you that China cannot develop because she has no transportation facilities.

Vast movements, which can be handled only tentatively even in exhaustive essays are dismissed in misleading sentences framed so as to serve as mere introduction to the inevitable climax the Chinese Constitutional Monarchy of 1915 with Yuan Shih-kai as Emperor. Yet this is not all.

Bankhardt saying that his Chinese teacher and the mission school cook had been arrested by the Northern soldiers and were to be beheaded in an hour. We hurried to the police office where they were confined and found that not only the two men but three others were in custody.

"Don't keep saying it." She stamped her little foot. "Papa has lots of money in English and Chinese securities and I don't know what-all. Why, that factory of his was the least of his fortune." "That is why your father deliberately lifted three fourths of his money from the business just before he was taken ill. He was not going to risk cutthroats getting together.

Only at the outermost gate, around which a crowd had collected, all, in Chinese fashion, asking who was within and what he had come about, was the irate Fantai permitted to return to his interrupted labours after he had satisfied every canon of the elaborate courtesy.

His system was no metaphysical castle, no theological acropolis: rather a homely ancestral manor house built in several styles of architecture: a Tudor chapel, a Palladian front toward the new geometrical garden, a Jacobean parlour for political consultation and learned disputes, and even since we are almost in the eighteenth century a Chinese cabinet full of curios.

Occasionally screaming, bouncing Chinese, hanging on with both hands, would dash by at full speed, their horses quite uncontrolled, their garments flying, ecstatically scared and happy, causing great confusion, and pursued by curses. "Evidently we're headed in the right direction," remarked Keith.

I am not a believer in dreams, and possessing an excellent digestion but rarely have any, and for this one can offer no explanation beyond that it was a most remarkable coincidence. At the time it created quite a mild sensation amongst the European community, while the Chinese who heard of it were extremely interested.