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All on our knees on all the ships together we prayed thereafter thrice a day, our British officers standing bareheaded beneath the upper awnings, the chin-strap marks showing very plainly on their cheeks as the way of the British is when they feel emotion. We prayed, sahib, lest the war be over before we could come and do our share.

The line of the chin-strap, that still showed white and untanned on cheekbone and jaw, the steadfast young eyes puckered at the corners of the lids with much staring through red- hot sunshine, the slow, untroubled breathing, and the curious, crisp, curt speech seemed to puzzle him equally.

Maude laughed, for Jack, with his cavalry swagger and a white weal all round his sunburned face to show where his chin-strap hung, looked the most unbusiness-like of mortals. 'Why did you offer forty pounds? she asked. 'Well, you have to begin somewhere. 'But why forty? 'Because it is what we offer when we are buying the hairies trooper's chargers, you know.

He will end in overt acts of rebellion, or at least in dogged sulks; and that from not understanding, or not choosing to obey your aids, not from want of suppleness. Let art supple the temper and understanding of the colt, and leave nature to supple his limbs. By holding the colt’s head against a wall by the chin-strap, he may be made to pass sideways to either hand by showing him the whip.

And then, when we had cautiously rounded a hummock at the top, my steel helmet was blown off not by a shrapnel, but by the wind! I had neglected to tighten the chin-strap. Immediately below us I could make out scars like earthquake cracks running across the meadows the front trenches. Both armies were buried like moles in these furrows.

And remember the whole armed force at my disposal in this Province isn't more than enough to tempt the tribes to conclusions! It's a case for diplomacy. It's a case where diplomacy must not fail." King said nothing, but the chin-strap mark on his cheek and chin grew slightly whiter, as it always does under the stress of emotion.

Almost on the stroke of sunrise Rosemary McClean stepped out settled her sun-helmet, with a moue above the chin-strap that was wasted on flat-bosomed, black grandmotherdom and sulky groom and mounted. She needed no help.

She had been eying attentively for the past minute or two one of the dead bodies that the enemy had left behind them when they retreated, a short, thick-set young man, with big mustaches, lying upon his side on the gravel of the terrace. The chin-strap had broken, releasing the spiked helmet, which had rolled away a few steps.

"I suppose they'd be shot if they did," said Noel. "Well, there is that," said the policeman reflectively. "They've brought discipline to an 'igh pitch, no doubt. An' if you ask me," he lowered his voice till it was almost lost in his chin-strap, "we'll be runnin' 'em a good second 'ere, before long. The things we 'ave to protect now are gettin' beyond a joke.

She recalled the figure of the officer, a gorgeous, mediaeval knight, impenetrably lifeless, sitting astride his high horse like a figure of bronze; a glimpse of haughty, set features visible between cap and chin-strap.