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On still mornings, at the fire-lighting hour, when ghostly house-maids stalk the corridors, and thin streaks of light through the shutter-chinks lend startling winks and smiles to ancestors on canvas, twelve or fifteen thin stems of blue smoke sprouted upwards from these chimney-tops, and spread into a flat canopy on high.

It stood there in the midst of the grass field as if it were leading on while in the distance the wind from the east was blowing the smoke like flags from the long row of chimney-tops in Emerald Avenue. At last Miss Ethel said with a sort of doubtful hopefulness, as if keeping her courage up before those advancing hordes: "Perhaps nobody will want to buy the land there. Always heard it was boggy."

The situation of the old castle corresponds exactly to Shakspeare's description. While we were there to-day , it happened oddly, that a raven perched upon one of the chimney-tops, and croaked. Then I in my turn repeated "The raven himself is hoarse, That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan, Under my battlements." 'I wish you had been with us.

The desolations that awful aspect of incompleteness and discomfort which pervades a new and unfinished neighborhood had set its dismal seal upon the surrounding streets which had arisen about and intrenched Crescent Villas; and Robert wasted forty minutes by his watch, and an hour and a quarter by the cabman's reckoning, in driving up and down uninhabited streets and terraces, trying to find the Villase; whose chimney-tops were frowning down upon him black and venerable, amid groves of virgin plaster, undimmed by time or smoke.

The snow rises in drifting waves, and the naked trees bend like strained masts; but so long as the window-blinds remain fast, and the chimney-tops do not go, we preserve an equal mind.

The snow rises in drifting waves, and the naked trees bend like strained masts; but so long as the window-blinds remain fast, and the chimney-tops do not go, we preserve an equal mind.

She thought her day had seen its brightest; but she thought too that if she must know sorrows, it was a very great blessing to know them at Queechy. The smoke of the chimney-tops came in sight, and fancy went home a few minutes before her. "I wonder what you'll take and do to yourself next," said Barby, in extreme vexation, when she saw her come in.

I flatter myself servetur ad imum, qualis ab incepto processerit. He is in excellent spirits, and I have a rich Journal of his conversation. I could not resist the impulse of writing to you from this place. The situation of the old castle corresponds exactly to Shakspeare's description. While we were there to-day, it happened oddly, that a raven perched upon one of the chimney-tops, and croaked.

They want to get up a grand display, if it's a possible thing, so everybody that comes along will stop and say, "What a charming house! Who made the plans?" while from beginning to end it may be all for show and nothing for use, and mortgaged to the very chimney-tops. That's my opinion, and I'm not alone in it, either. There was my neighbor down the road, he wanted a commonish kind of a house.

The parsonage lay snugly nestled at the end of the bay, shining contentedly through the green foliage from a multitude of small sun-smitten windows. Its pinkish whitewash, which was peeling off from long exposure to the weather, was in cheerful contrast to the broad black surface of the roof, with its glazed tiles, and the starlings' nests under the chimney-tops.