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The chimney-sweep stepped forward and, tapping Jamie on the forehead, said: "Two great minds workin' on th' same thought shud projuce wondtherful results, Jamie; lend me a chew ov tobacco!" "Ye've had larks for supper, Billy; yer jokin'!" Jamie said. "Larks be damned," Billy said, "m' tongue's stickin' t' th' roof ov me mouth!"

The people who wrote to Yulia Mihailovna about me knew what they were talking about, and they said I was an honest man.... But that's neither here nor there; I've come to see you about a serious matter, and it's as well you've sent your chimney-sweep away. It's a matter of importance to me, Andrey Antonovitch. I shall have a very great favour to ask of you." "A favour?

A few were bawling out unheeded advice as to what should be done; in fact, a heated altercation had arisen between the two loudest a chimney-sweep and a medical man whose theories disagreed; but it was plain to everybody that it would be a risky thing to venture under the bridge into that swirling stream.

'Bass is one of them fag-fiends that can't live without a cigarette, and wouldn't die happy if he wasn't smokin' one. 'E breathes more smoke than 'e does air, an' 'e ought to 'ave a permanent chimney-sweep detailed to clear the soot out of 'is lungs an' breathin' toobs.

All there was in the heart and mind of Thackeray, expressed through a medium so simple and direct that even a child could be made to feel it, or a chimney-sweep! For where need we draw the line? We are only pretending.

Morland once received an invitation to Barnet, and was hastening thither with Hassell and another friend, when he was stopped at Whetstone turnpike by a lumber or jockey cart, driven by two persons, one of them a chimney-sweep, who were disputing with the toll-gatherer. Morland endeavored to pass, when one of the wayfarers cried, "What! Mr. Morland, won't you speak to a body!"

Bellaroba shivered a very little, and looked solemn. "Bellaroba, my lord." "Very pretty; but I must have more." "There is no more, my lord. I am wife of Angioletto." "Well, well. I know Master Angioletto, and he me. We'll have him here, I think. Hi, you!" said he, turning to an officer of his guards. "Go and fetch the chimney-sweep."

The wife of a chimney-sweep or a journeyman butcher comes shuddering before a police magistrate her head bound up her body scarred and bleeding with wounds, which the drunken ruffian, her lord, has administered: a poor shopkeeper or mechanic is driven out of his home by the furious ill-temper of the shrill virago his wife takes to the public-house to evil courses to neglecting his business to the gin-bottle to delirium tremens to perdition.

"Have you really courage enough to go out into the wide world with me?" said the chimney-sweep; "have you thought how large it is, and that we can never come back here again?" "Yes, I have," she replied. When the chimney-sweep saw that she was quite firm, he said, "My way is through the stove and up the chimney. Have you courage to creep with me through the fire-box, and the iron pipe?

"Young girls, often have these absurd adventures," said Fanny, "when they are not old enough to know better." She had herself been madly in love with a chimney-sweep a common chimney-sweep, just think of that! The more Madeleine became accustomed to town life the easier she found it to deaden her recollections of the past.