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The resulting seedlings, without doubt the finest strain of modern times, were bought by V. H. Hallock and Son, Queens, N. Y., then the most extensive American bulb growers, and for many years the stock was worked up by them in the most painstaking manner. Before dissemination it was sold to J. L. Childs, Floral Park, N. Y., who introduced it to general cultivation under the name of Childsii.

It is a most pleasing duty to say that the highest praise is due to Harvey, Childs, Plympton, Loring, Alexander, their gallant officers and men, for this brilliant service, independent of the great results which soon followed. "Worth's division of regulars coming up at this time, he detached Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel C.F. Smith with his light battalion to support the assault, but not in time.

"The curtain went up on what looked like a busy day in Childs', and Wells Hawks was in the spotlight, surrounded by a bevy of blondes and empty champagne bottles. They tell me that Gus Edwards had to blindfold Hawks to lead him up to the table where the empty bottles were, and as for the girls, it was with a great effort that they restrained themselves.

In 1833 the Church-rate question was originally raised in Bungay, and many of the Dissenters refused to pay. The local authorities at once took high ground, and put twelve of the recusants into the Ecclesiastical Court. They caved in, leaving to John Childs the honour of martyrdom. At the time of Mr.

Councilmen 1st Ward Nelson Hayward, Herrick Childs, George B. Tibbets. 2d Ward Moses Kelly, W. J. Warner, M. C. Younglove. 3d Ward Philo Scovill, Benj. Harrington, Miller M. Spangler. Mayor Joshua Mills. President of the Council Benjamin Harrington. Aldermen Nelson Hayward, William Smyth, Benjamin Harrington.

Then turning to me, he said: "You are dismissed; but I will fine this rascal $50 and costs, and send him to jail if he does not pay it immediately." I thanked the Justice for his just decision, and took the next boat to New Orleans. My partner, Hugh Foster, and I were on board the Elonzo Childs, bound for New Orleans. Foster had the reputation of being a wolf, and I did not have much use for him.

They were conducted by the officer of the day to the commanding officer, Major Childs, who sat on the porch in front of his own room.

By SIR CHARLES LYELL, F.R.S., Author of "The Principles of Geology," "Elements of Geology," etc., etc. Illustrated by Wood-Cuts. 8vo. Philadelphia: George W. Childs.

President Pierce was much amused with this occurrence, and often spoke of it when he met those who had witnessed it with him. Mr. George W. Childs, then a courteous and genial book publisher in Philadelphia, endeavored to obtain from Congress an order for an edition of Dr. Kane's work on the Arctic regions.

A movement of Lieutenant Franklin Gardner, re-enforced later by the mounted rifles under Major Edwin Vose Sumner and a battalion of the First Artillery under Lieutenant-Colonel Childs, to occupy a position near the base of the Atalaya, provoked a sharp conflict. General Santa Anna, being at the front, ordered re-enforcements. Colonel Thomas Childs withdrew, having advanced under a misapprehension.