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He knows exactly all that belongs to the daily life of a child, not only because He is God and knows everything, but because He was once a child Himself, and remembers all the joys and sorrows of His child-life in the cottage at Nazareth; and so children are very dear to Him He listens to their prayers, accepts their praises, and watches over them always.

They expected a joke in it somewhere. Some even thought they had found it. But it was not a joke, it was just a simple tale a beautiful picture of a long-vanished time. One critic, wiser than the rest, said: "The characters of those two boys, twin in spirit, will rank with the purest and loveliest creations of child-life in the realm of fiction."

Children's Bureau: Infant Mortality Series, No. 11. p. 36. Havelock Ellis, Sex in Relation to Society, p. 31. Failure of emotional, sentimental and so-called idealistic efforts, based on hysterical enthusiasm, to improve social conditions, is nowhere better exemplified than in the undervaluation of child-life.

Her greatest pleasure was the companionship of children; and this she never lacked. Japanese child-life, is mostly passed in temple courts; and many happy childhoods were spent in the court of the Amida-ji. All the mothers in that street liked to have their little ones play there, but cautioned them never to laugh at the Bikuni-San.

There was no mother in this home, no one for the children to go to for comfort and counsel such as only a mother can give. Amy and Nell were too young and inexperienced to know how to give either comfort or counsel. Lila and Doyle missed this part of normal child-life very much. The other children could remember their mother; but these two were growing up without knowing a mother's love and care.

We remember the life of 'The Fairchild Family, those putative neighbours of this family in any case, its obvious contemporaries; and we know that the life of those hapless little prigs was typical of child-life in the dawn of the nineteenth century.

This appreciation of his host's welcoming him into the conversation was a rare compliment from little John to his older friends and to their interest in child-life. Another external and demoralizing interruption to talk is poor table-service. There can be no good conversation at table where the talk is constantly interrupted by wordy instructions to servants.

I could never make them so clear and living to a simple healthy soul as they were to myself. From this I conclude that the naturally trained child requires no definite Church forms, because the lovingly-fostered, and therefore continuously and powerfully-developed human life, as well as the untroubled child-life also, is and must be in itself a Christian life.

She collected, eagerly, all treasures of small song and story and picture, to help build the world of imagination into which all child-life must open out. As for Baby Karen, she was, for the most part, only manifest as one of those little embodiments that are but given and grown out of such loyal and happy motherhood. She was a real baby, not a little interloping animal.

What business had automobiles where children should be free to play? What could be said for the human wisdom of a civilization that placed traffic above child-life?