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They ain't no such places." Chick-chick went back to receive the adulation of the camp but he was not satisfied. As might be expected, the excitement in camp that evening was intense. Chick-chick and Brick Mason were heroes. No one could do too much for them. Even Will Spencer was excited. "It's a fine thing for you, Glen," he said. "I'm glad you had the chance and that you did so well with it.

Their plan would have worked successfully but for the betraying tires, and the sharp eye and quick mind of scout Henry Henry, commonly known as Chick-chick. "Are you sure it's the same?" whispered Glen. "Surest thing on wheels," affirmed Chick-chick. "Bet you find drygoods in the transmission case if dare look." "Why do you suppose they've left it here?" "Good, safe place. Nobody see.

"That fellow that tied me up he's a thief, that's what he is. He pulled 'em tighter just to see me wince." He was too cramped to stand on his feet so Chick-chick kneeled down at his side to rub some circulation into his wrists and ankles. Suddenly a great noise of running was heard. Chick-chick looked out through the crack of the door. "It's the peddler," he declared.

Fellow that guesses big rock goes," said Chick-chick. "Right!" said Matt. "An' Brick guesses left," said Chick-chick for Glen. "Matt gets the try." Matt waited for no counsel. "I know just about where the opening lies," he said, stepping on the pile of masonry. "I'll dive clear through the passage." With a quick spring he disappeared beneath the turbid water.

"We located their camp by a line of smoke leastways Chick-chick did. Then we climbed a big tree near by and looked right down on 'em. I saw Jervice and the big man, and one other man I never had seen before." "What shall we do about this?" Mr. Newton asked of Will Spencer, who had been studying with him. "Get 'em," replied Will, his eyes sparkling. "I wish I were more of a man, so I could help."

"D'ye know it's rainin' in solid sheets outside. Jest had to get in out of it. Old Matt, he's follerin' you. I's follerin' Matt. He dived. I dived. 'Tain't much drier in here than outside but anyway ye don't need umbrellas. Mighty little bit of openin' ye came through there. Skinned me elbow, I did." "Come up here, Chick-chick," invited Apple. "We can use you. It's dry up here.

His supposition was that these bees would fill up and fly back to the hives. Soon they would return bringing their mates with them. In a short time a steady stream of bees would be passing in and out of that hollow limb, which would be just the time for Chick-chick to make his proud discovery and announce it.

A scout is helpful!" This bearer, coming forward, took Glen's hands and raised them up as he recited: "These hands and the body they represent are pledged to lift up righteousness and tear down iniquity. They will do at least one good turn to somebody every day." "The bearer of article 4. A scout is friendly!" Glen was glad to see Chick-chick coming forward with a cheerful grin on his face.

Tom saluted and asked permission to address a request to the scoutmaster. "We want to go out and capture these bank robbers before they get far away," he explained. "According to what Chick-chick says, the peddler's car is within three miles of here. Our plan is to go after it and use it to catch the thieves." "How many scouts are in for this?" asked Mr. Newton.

The words Glen had for Matt were not to be bawled into the ears of strangers, so he left the foolish boy to follow his own tactics. It was not too late for the swim and Glen was glad to have at least a few minutes of his favorite sport. He was dressing when some one tapped him on the shoulder and he looked up into the comical face of Chick-chick. "Hey, Brick.