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Chichele came out of the matter 'straight' one relapses so easily into the simple definitions of those parts which she undoubtedly did, she owed it in no small degree to Judy Harbottle.

'In a tight place, I said dear me, what expressions had the freedom of our little frontier drawing-rooms! 'I would as soon depend on him as on anybody. But as for leadership 'He is such a good fellow that nobody here does justice to his soldierly qualities, said Mr. Chichele, 'except Mrs. Harbottle. 'Has she been telling you about them? I inquired.

This college was founded by Archbishop Chichele for "the hele of his soul" and of the souls of all those who perished in the French wars of King Henry V.; hence its name.

He had put in his two years with a British regiment at Meerut they nurse subalterns that way for the Indian army and his eyes no longer played with the tinsel vision of India; they looked instead into the arid stretch beyond. This preoccupation conveyed to the Surgeon-Major's wife the suggestion that Mr. Chichele was the victim of a hopeless attachment. Mrs.

If English tradition is to be trusted, the clergy still felt insecure; and the French wars of Henry V. are said to have been undertaken, as we all know from Shakspeare, at the persuasion of Archbishop Chichele, who desired to distract his attention from reverting to dangerous subjects.

The incident was relieved, the newspapers said and they are seldom so clever in finding relief for such incidents by the dash and courage shown by Lieutenant Chichele, who, in one of those feats which it has lately been the fashion to criticize, carried the mortally wounded body of his Colonel out of range at conspicuous risk of depriving the Queen of another officer.

He was apprenticed to his cousin, Sir John Fitzwarren, Mercer and merchant-adventurer, son of Sir William Fitzwarren, Knight. Again, Chichele, Lord Mayor, and his younger brother, Sheriff, and his elder brother, Archbishop of Canterbury, were sons of one Chichele, Gentleman and Armiger of Higham Ferrers in the county of Northampton.

'She never would be bothered with him in all his dear hobble-dehoy time; she resented his claims, the unreasonable creature, used to limit me to three anecdotes a week; and now she has him on her hands, if you like. See the pretty air of deference in the way he listens to her! He has nice manners, the villain, if he is a Chichele! 'Oh, you have improved Sir Peter's, I said kindly.

Ten years later Somers joined. The Twelfth were at Peshawur. Robert Harbottle was Lieutenant-Colonel by that time and had the regiment. Distinction had incrusted, in the Indian way, upon Peter Chichele, its former colonel; he was General Commanding the District and K.C.B. So we were all still together in Peshawur.

Chichele were still 'great friends'; we could still put them next each other at our dinner-parties without the feeling that it would be 'marked. There was still nothing unusual in the fact that when Mrs. Harbottle was there Mr. Chichele might be taken for granted. We were so broad-minded also, on the frontier. It grew more obvious, the maternal note.