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He jest never would quit chewin' Billy's mane if he goes pullin' off any nuptial ceremonies with his wife's relative that a- way. "Billy looks hard as granite at this. He ain't sayin' nothin', but he gets outside of another drink in a way which shows his mind's made up, an' then he goes p'intin' off towards his camp, same as a gent who entertains designs.

I forget just what important problem we was settlin'. But it must have been something weighty and serious. Millions at stake, most likely. Thousands anyway. Or it might have been when we should start the Saturday half-holidays. All I remember is that we was grouped around the big mahogany desk; Old Hickory in the middle chewin' away at the last three inches of a Cassadora; Mr.

'Like water, said I; 'a little creek near, and a flood comin' far off. 'Yes, just that, said he; 'it's some trick of wind in the place, but it makes a man foolish, and an inch of brandy would be the right thing. I didn't say no to that. And on we came, and brandy we had with a wish in the eye of Nelly Nolan that'd warm the heart of a tomb. . . . And there's a cud for your chewin', Pierre.

Byrne, she is the best girl that you or I ever saw we're not fit to breathe the same air that she breathes. Now you can see why I should like to go first." "I t'ought youse was soft on her," replied the mucker, "an' dat's de reason w'y youse otter not go first; but wot's de use o' chewin', les flip a coin to see w'ich goes an w'ich stays got one?"

"True for you; but, no matter how he might feel, it's his duty to think of his mother, an' surely she would say that it was better one came home, than for both to be killed." "It's a mighty hard outlook," I said, with a sigh. "You're right, an' at the same time you ain't makin' matters any better by chewin' it over. A man don't fit himself for a fight by figgerin' out all the possible horrors."

They looked back, feeling in their hearts a mite of tenderness for the wet planks. Later, they wriggled up the side of the vessel and climbed over the railing. On deck they met a man. He held a lantern to their faces. "Got any chewin' tewbacca?" he inquired. "No," said the tall man, "we ain't." The man had a bronze face and solitary whiskers.

And say I was to git you one of them guns like you said; you couldn't shoot chewin'-tobacco in that gun, could you?" "Most anybody knows that!" laughed Pete. "But you could buy cartridges with that dollar an' shoot lots." "Would you lick me if I bought chewin'?" "Shucks, no! I was jest leavin' it to you." "When do I git that dollar the first one?" Annersley smiled to himself.

Seems little Jane 's quit her thumb, owin' to the quinine, 'n' took to bitin' holes 'n' chewin' 'n' suckin' everythin' that she can lay hands on. She's chewed her pillow-slip 'n' bit her sheet 'n' sucked right down to the brass on a number o' Gran'ma Mullins' solid silver things.

I never got to hear half of it on account of Johnny's cussin'. Go on I got him chewin' on my hat now. Read 'er from the start-off." "The best is yet to come," Bill gloated pantingly, while he held the author's legs much as he would hold down a yearling. "All set, Bud let 'er go!"

Anyhow, up she rides in a big reddish kind of automobile and twists her hands round her wrists and looks up the track and down the track and sees us and says, 'Oh, w'ich way has he went? W'ich way did Disgustus Adolphus beat it to? And chewin' gum right on top of that, too. It was tough on us, Miss, but we needed the money.