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"I thought you were a much older man," said Chevydale, "there certainly must be, some mistake here," he added, looking at Fethertonge. "M'Mahon of Ahadarra was a middle-aged man several years ago, but this person is young enough to be his man." "You speak of his uncle," replied Fethertonge, "who is dead. This young man, who now owns his uncle's farm, is son to Thomas M'Mahon of Carriglass.

"Very well," said the master, allowing him to take the glass which he received again brimming, "thanks, James." "'Well, said Bryan, lettin' go my collar, 'blame any one you like; blame me, blame Vanston, blame Chevydale, Fethertonge, anybody, everybody, the Priest, the Bishop, the Pope, but don't dare to blame Kathleen Cavanagh. "'Why, said I, 'has she been right in her condemnation of you?

In addition, however, to all we have already detailed, as affecting the neighborhood of Ahadarra, we have to inform our readers that the tenantry upon the surrounding property were soon about to enjoy the luxury of a contested election. Chevydale had been the sitting member during two sessions of Parliament.

Behind, the landscape rose gradually until it terminated in a range of mountains that protected the house from the north. The present structure was modern, having been built by old Chevydale, previous to his marriage.

"Principle! begad, sir," retorted the uncle, "there's no such thing as principle lay that down as a fact there's no such thing in this world as principle." "Well, but consistency, uncle. For instance, you know you always vote on the Tory side, and Chevydale is a Liberal and an Emancipator." "Consistency is all d d stuff, Harry, as principle.

"I hope, Chevydale, you are not about to become a Repealer." "No, sir; I am, and ever have been sickened by that great imposture. Another half century would scarcely make us fit for home legislation.

Hycy here that got the Still up in Ahadarra, in ordher to beggar Bryan M'Mahon by the fine." Hycy laughed. "Excellent!" said he; "Why, really, Mr. Chevydale, I did not imagine that you could suffer such a farce as this is likely to turn out to be enacted exactly in your office." "Enacted! well, that's, appropriate at any rate," said the schoolmaster; "but in the mane time, Mr.

He had taken the trouble to write to the Secretary of Excise to know if his memorial had been laid before them, and supported by Mr. Chevydale, who, he said, knew the circumstances, and received a reply, stating that no such memorial had been sent, and that Mr. Chevydale had taken no steps in the matter whatsoever.

It is true that for the terms on which his farm was offered him he was indebted to Chevydale himself, who said that as he knew his father had entertained a high respect for old M'Mahon, he would not suffer him to be put out. The father besides voted for him, and always had voted for the family.

"Come some other day, M'Mahon," said Fethertonge; "do you not see that we are going out to ride now going on our canvass? Come to my office some other day; Mr. Chevydale will remain for a considerable time in the country now, and you need not feel so eager in the matter." "Yes, come some other day, Mr.