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This latter is an imposing document of nine articles and gives permission to shoot adult male animals but not female if accompanied by their young, or, if possible to distinguish them, even if alone. The animals named are, hippopotames, baffles, antilopes, gazelles, ibex, chevrotains, les divers sangliers, petits singes, outardes, francolains, perdreaux, pintades and other game birds.

Nearly all have horns or antlers, at least in one sex. Most split-hoofed animals are ruminants, but there is a small remnant, probably of early types, which are not. Non-ruminants Hippopotamus, Swine, Peccaries. Ruminants Camels, Llamas, Chevrotains, Giraffe, Antelopes, Sheep, Goats, Musk-ox, Oxen, Deer. The non-ruminant artiodactyls need not detain us long.

Thus camels, guanacoes, chevrotains, and musk-deer, are hornless, and they have efficient canines; these teeth being "always of smaller size in the females than in the males." The Camelidae have, in addition to their true canines, a pair of canine-shaped incisors in their upper jaws.

Chevrotains flourished in Europe and North America in the Oligocene, and are still very primitive in structure, combining features of the hog and the ruminants. It is some confirmation of the evolutionary embryonic law that we find the antlers developing in this way in the individual stag to-day. It had not only the dimensions, but apparently some of the characters, of an elephant.