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"Some of the burs are still shut tight, Some open with chestnuts three, And some nuts fall with no burs at all Smooth, shiny, as nuts should be. "O who can tell what fun it was To see the prickly shower! To feel what a whack on head or back. Was within a chestnut's power!

"If you touch that animal again I'll get out," I said, angrily, as the poor brute tossed his head from side to side. "Beg pardin', sir! Thought you was in a 'urry, sir!" came through the roof. "Drive decently, and don't think," I muttered, relapsing into my own thoughts, cutting as the lash on the chestnut's neck. I had stopped the lash, but I could not stop my thoughts.

The Chestnut's a plugger an' ain't no good when it comes to gallopin'. If you was to all loaf aroun' he might hang on an' finish in front; but the pace'll kill him it'll break his heart; the fast goin'll lay out White Moth, too, for she'll go to the front an' die away after a mile an' a quarter. Just nurse the Bay, an' let the others fight the Indian.

Remsen touched his cap, looked between the chestnut's ears, and took refuge in vernacularity. "Don't mention it," he said stolidly. "We policemen are paid to do these things. It's our duty." And he rode away rode away cursing noblesse oblige, but knowing he could never have done anything else. At the end of the day Remsen sent the chestnut to his stable and went to O'Roon's room.

Then, as a thought struck him, he turned back and released him, buckling the reins into one stirrup. "I don't dare to tie you up, old man," he said. "The beastly fire might swing round. Go home, if you like. I can't take you across that hot ground." He gave the chestnut's neck a hasty pat; then, putting one hand on the gate, he vaulted it cleanly and ran across the burnt ground.

She was being commanded now, but there was that in the voice which, while commanding her, made her long to do as she was bid. It was an obedience filled with passion, resigning itself to the will of a force which was all gentleness, but oh, so compelling! She buried her face in her hands, and presently Orlando had opened a vein in the chestnut's neck, and its life-blood slowly ebbed away.

Three months before he had not heard of us. On all the Peninsula there was only one just claim to the right of grieving: and that was mine. Monty mounted. Seizing the reins carelessly, I put my foot in the chestnut's stirrup. As I rose, the bit pulled on the mare's mouth and she wheeled and reared, shaking me awkwardly to the ground. "Damn the bloody horse," I said aloud.

She was being commanded now, but there was that in the voice which, while commanding her, made her long to do as she was bid. It was an obedience filled with passion, resigning itself to the will of a force which was all gentleness, but oh, so compelling! She buried her face in her hands, and presently Orlando had opened a vein in the chestnut's neck, and its life-blood slowly ebbed away.

"George," said Judge Baggs, with considerable asperity, "ef you are an Englishman, try to speak your native tongue, an' explain what you mean by actin' ez ef you'd jes' broke out of a lunatic 'sylum. Speak quick, or I'll fine you drinks for the crowd." "Just as lieve you would," said the unabashed Briton, "seein' seein' Chestnut's got a female a woman a lady cashier there!

She turned aside her head with her cold, proud, shrinking air. "I am not playing with you; and you are silly to say I have made you happy," she said, shaking her reins lightly and quickening her chestnut's uneasy pace; and Edgar, quickening the pace of his heavy bay, thought it wiser to let the moment pass, and so stand free and still wavering in doubt and committed to nothing.