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I defy all investigation. Nothing but the basest perjury can sully my good name. I do not fear even this, because I cherish an humble confidence that the gracious Being who has hitherto defended and protected me against the shafts of falsehood and malice will not desert me now when I have become "old and gray headed."

He returned home in a triumph, which was perhaps greater than the work deserved, but certainly not greater than so good a man merited. Piccinni was large-hearted enough to cherish no malice against either of his rivals, Sacchini or Gluck.

'Noble Count, said Aimeri, 'such men grow not on every bush. Keep him and cherish him, and bring him with you to the Aliscans. For with his staff he will slay many Pagans. 'Yes, answered Rainouart, 'wherever I appear the Pagans will fall dead at the sight of me. Aimeri and William laughed to hear him, but ere four days were past they had learnt what he was worth.

For its sole ornament, over the deal table upon which Agricola wrote his poetical inspirations, there hung suspended from a nail in the wall a portrait of Beranger that immortal poet whom the people revere and cherish, because his rare and transcendent genius has delighted to enlighten the people, and to sing their glories and their reverses.

I have seen them when you slept and never a one but set there by my hand and now now you must cherish me if I fail by the way must bear me in your arms grieve for my weakness Oh, dear lad, I would you were a little harsher less kind."

The organization of the German Empire, which includes so many small states within itself, herein resembled the Greek. Since the tiniest, most unimportant, and even invisible city had its special interests it was constrained to cherish and to maintain them, and to defend them against its neighbors. Accordingly, its youth were early roused and summoned to reflect upon affairs of state.

Besides, as a class, they will be idle and worthless. It will not be their fault, but it will be the result of their slave education. All their past observation of their masters has taught them that liberty means licensed laziness, that work means degradation; and therefore they will loathe work, and cherish laziness as the sign of liberty. 'Am not I free?

When the very backbone of the soul seems to be broken, a sense of duty is the one and last thing that holds it together and keeps it upright; and nature has implanted in us such a strong and instinctive regard for life which we are so apt to contemn that even within a few paces of the grave we cherish and foster it as carefully as in its prime, when the end seems still remote.

Then he sent for a priest, and for the Marshal of the host, who was a great lord, and the son of his father's brother, and in few words bade him look to the babe whom his wife bore about, and if it were a man, to cherish him and do him to learn all that a king ought to know; and if it were a maiden, that he should look to her wedding well and worthily: and he let swear him on his sword, on the edges and the hilts, that he would do even so, and be true unto his child if child there were: and he bade him have rule, if so be the lords would, and all the people, till the child were of age to be king: and the Marshal swore, and all the lords who stood around bare witness to his swearing.

It befits an emperor's son, thought Ulrich, to cherish such lofty wishes; to men of lower rank fame can remain the guiding star on life's pathway. The elite of the army was in the Netherlands; there he could find what he desired. Don Juan let him go, and when fame was the word, Ulrich had no cause to complain of its ill-will.