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"Then why seek to be recalled?" "I am essentially a man of action, your Highness. I am growing dull and stupid amid these charming pleasures. Action; I have always been mixed up in some trouble or other. Here it is a round of pleasure from day to day. I long for buffets. I am wicked enough to wish for war." "Cherchez la femme!" she cried. "There is a woman?" "Oh, yes!" recklessly.

My study of advertising tells me that this paltry existence of yours does not adequately push your name before the public. You're losing money, you're " "Stop, Julian," I exclaimed. "Cherchez," he continued, "cherchez " "Stop! Confound you, stop! I tell you " "Come," he said laughing. "I mustn't force your confidence; but I can't help feeling it's odd "

It fell into ruins rather easily, and you do not help me to build it again." "It seems to me the main facts cannot be got away from," I said. "Zena assisted in the ruining process by saying, 'Cherchez la femme." "You see, Murray, you do not account for the woman and the bag," said Zena. "They are extraneous incidents belonging to his private life.

"That's newspaperese," yawns Beauvayse, his supple brown hands knitted at the back of his sleek golden head. "Goes with 'the tented field' and casus belli: cherchez la femme and cui bono?" "She's got the lingo at her finger-ends and in her blood, or we wouldn't be cherchaying now," says Bingo dolorously. "I asked her if she was particularly keen on gettin' killed...." "Shouldn't have done that.

Moreover, we know that she had something to hide, some secret, or she would not have ceased speaking directly she found she was addressing a stranger. She probably belonged to Bridwell's private life. Now Zena says, 'Cherchez la femme, but there is no need to look for her; she forces herself upon our notice.

Is that the face that launched a thousand ships and burnt the topless towers of Ilium? O Troy! O Helen! You'll permit me to add, with a glance at our friend Priske's predicament, O Dido! At five shillings per diem I realize the twin ambitions of a life-time and combine the supercargo with the buck. Well, well! cherchez la femme!" "You pronounce it 'share-shay?" inquired Mr. Badcock.

"But you said that there were no women on the place." "Eh bien, cherchez toujours...." And then it also occurred to me that among the mass of local literature and newspaper files I had perused in his house there was not a single criticism of this affair. I thought it strange, I said. He smiled. "Local politics, my friend! We are obliged to keep the Press well under control, you know.

So when a woman's talent baffles you, your course is plain, cherchez l'homme. Charlotte's critics argued that if you could put your finger on the man you would have the key to the mystery. This, of course, was arguing that her genius was, after all, only a superior kind of talent; but some of them had already begun to ask themselves, Was it, after all, anything more?

Count Louis Voynovitch from Ragusa was staying in Cetinje to draw up a new code of laws. This clever adventurer was looked on with some jealousy by the Montenegrins and much favoured by the Royal Family whom he amused with anecdotes and jokes. It was said he was to be permanently Minister of Justice, but he left Montenegro rather suddenly over, it was said, a cherchez la femme affair.

"No," he returned, with that gentleness that used to frighten them in the old days, "it's ignorance. You fellows always say 'Cherchez la femme' when you can't say anything else. Come now," he went on more brightly, "look at the letter.