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"But, as I might need some in Paris, it would not be a bad idea for you to open an account for me at a bank there, or else to give me a cheque." The Minister vacillated, then went into the hotel writing-room and signed a cheque on a Parisian banker in the Rue de Provence, which he handed to Caesar. "See you on your return," he said. "Good-bye."

"If he'd been given the cheque before four o'clock on November 12th, he'd have cashed it then." "The cheque may have been posted to him," said Mr. Halfpenny. "May be; the point is that it was drawn by Jacob on November 12th and cashed at the earliest possible hour next day," replied the Professor. "Now, though it may have nothing to do with the case, I want to know what that cheque referred to.

He knew that the man was a scoundrel, and as unscrupulous as he was weak; a man who could forge a cheque, and plant the blame on another, is capable of anything; and Derrick scented a mystery, a base, ignoble one, with Heyton as its centre. He sat down on the trunk of a fallen tree, the box in his hand, and stared frowningly before him. He could find no answer to the enigma.

The ink in his fountain-pen ran out as he came to the end of it, and he signed it with the pen with which Lord Loudwater had endorsed the cheque. He put the cheque into the envelope he had already addressed, put stamps on all the letters, carried them to the post-box on a table in the hall, went through the library out into the garden, and smoked a cigarette with a somewhat languid air.

"One moment, Karslake.... This man, Nogam: where did you pick him up?" "He used to buttle for my father, sir, but got into trouble some domestic unpleasantness, I believe needed money, and raised a cheque. The old boy let him off easy; but I've got the cheque, and Nogam knows it. The fellow's perfectly trained and absolutely dependable, knows his place and his duties and not another blessed thing.

She also put with them her cheque book and her banker's book. A very small cheque book on a different bank where the interest of the £2000 had not been drawn on for six months, she put down on her writing table. Then she looked round the room. Was there nothing there really her own, and that she cared to keep either for its own sake or because it had belonged to someone she had loved?

Betteredge," he answered, "to make remarks on a case, when I have done with it." I tossed the cheque across the table to him. "Do you believe in THAT part of her ladyship's letter?" I said, indignantly. The Sergeant looked at the cheque, and lifted up his dismal eyebrows in acknowledgment of her ladyship's liberality.

He then sent the cheque to the address that Helen gave him, and stated that he was instructed to forward later on five thousand pounds. An answer came back very civil and quiet in tone such an answer as Tibby himself would have given. The cheque was returned, the legacy refused, the writer being in no need of money.

To buy back Clifford for a paltry four pounds a week to have the delicate pleasure of doling out the money in the role of Lady Bountiful! She had a mental vision of the sweet little letters she could write to Elaine when she enclosed the monthly cheque letters so sweet that they would sear.

Endicott, if our young friend Brooks chose to move in the matter, I am afraid Mr. Lavilette might have to sign the largest cheque he has ever signed in his life for law costs." The bishop's wife rose with an icy smile. "I seem to have found my way into Mr. Brooks' headquarters," she remarked. "Lady Caroom, I shall hope to see you at the palace shortly."