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"I'm tired and maun gang to my bed, for I hae a sair heid," said Mr Cupples, that first night. "That's my doin'!" said Alec, sorrowfully. But eh me! I'm feared I winna sleep muckle the nicht." "Wad ye like me to sit up wi' ye?" asked Alec. "I cud sleep i' your cheir weel eneuch." "Na, na. We hae baith need to say oor prayers, and we cudna do that weel thegither.

I was turnt to stane, like,'at I didna believe I cud hae fa'en frae the cheir gien I had swarfed clean awa'. An' eh but it tuik a time to open that door!

Where is she? "`In the corner there, returns the old hag, removing her dirty little black dhudeen of a pipe for a minnit from between her teeth, in order to spake the bether. `She's a-sottin' in that cheir there, as she hav' been since the mornin', widout sayin' a worrd to mortial saol afther she tould us to sind for the docther.

In the Greek, cheir means hand, and pteron wing. The Cheiroptera are animals with winged hands; in fact, the fingers which terminate the fore-limbs of the bat lengthen as they spread out to an extravagant extent; and are connected together by a membrane springing from the body, with which they beat the air as with a wing, and which enables them to fly with such ease that theyare often taken for birds.

"I'll have neither man nor dog about me that doesn't know his master. You may poison him if you prefer it." "Come awa', come awa', my lord!" said the laird. "This, as ye hae said,'s the Sabbath-nicht, an' the thoucht o' 't sud mak us mercifu'. I hae naething to offer ye but a cheir to rist ye in, an syne we'll tak the ro'd like neebors thegither an' I'll shaw ye the w'y hame."