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Two pictures stand out, particularly, the dead on the barbed wire, and the village called "Fey au Rats" at night. "The next line is the first line. Speak in whispers now, for if the Boches hear us we shall get a shower of hand-grenades." I turned into a deep, wide trench whose floor had been trodden into a slop of cheesy, brown mire which clung to the big hobnailed boots of the soldiers.

Near these adhesions are small cysts, of the size of a walnut, containing pus and cheesy matter; about the cysts a little way the lung was hardened, say for half an inch.

Acute, subacute and chronic tonsillitis accompanied by enlargement and cheesy decay of the tonsils means that these glands have been habitually congested with morbid matter and poisons, that they have had more work to do than they could properly attend to. "These glandular structures constitute a valuable part of the drainage system of the organism.

We shall always be delighted to see you at our house, Cheesy, my boy, and you shall be allowed to hack the hams just as much as you please." "You shall be made to pay for this," said Cheesacre, gasping with anger; gasping almost more with dismay than he did with anger. "All right, old fellow; I'll pay for it, with the widow's money. Come; our half-hour is nearly over; shall we go up-stairs?"

From some cause or other I neglected for two or three weeks to do this, and one day, when the freshmade butter was brought to table, there were complaints that it was cheesy; it certainly had a peculiar and very unpleasant taste, for which we could not account. The next time it was made it had the same fault; and it then occurred to me that it might be the churn.

"So is Mr Cheesacre for the matter of that." "Poor Cheesy! I believe he was, though he did talk so much about money. I always like to believe the best I can of them. But then there was no poetry about Cheesy. I don't care about saying it now, as you've quite made up your mind not to have him." "Quite, aunt." "Your grandfather's will does make a difference, you know.

I daresay the soil would be quite fat with corpsemanure, bones, flesh, nails. Charnelhouses. Dreadful. Turning green and pink decomposing. Rot quick in damp earth. The lean old ones tougher. Then a kind of a tallowy kind of a cheesy. Then begin to get black, black treacle oozing out of them. Then dried up. Deathmoths. Of course the cells or whatever they are go on living. Changing about.

By the end of the eighth month the weight is four to five pounds and the length twenty inches. The nails have grown to project beyond the finger tips. Up to this time the body has been covered with a fine hair called lanugo. This now has begun to disappear and the skin becomes brighter and is covered with a white, cheesy material called the vernix caseosa.

Cheese, on the contrary, is rich in nitrogen. Food which contains much fatty matter, or substances which in the animal system are readily converted into fat, will tend to increase the proportion of cream in milk. On the other hand, the proportion of caseine or cheesy matter in milk is increased by the use of highly nitrogenized food.

But if you refuse, I'll get this matter investigated. I won't stop till I do." The Steward sat down, and took up a pen. His large, soft hand looked cheesy, like his face. "What is the number of the cabin?" he asked indifferently. "Ninety-six." "Exactly what do you require?" "One dozen eggs and one dozen oranges every twenty-four hours, to be delivered at any time convenient to you."