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The middle of Germany was a cheerier place than Berlin or the western parts. I liked the look of the old peasants, and the women in their neat Sunday best, but I noticed, too, how pinched they were. Here in the country, where no neutral tourists came, there was not the same stage-management as in the capital. Stumm made an attempt to talk to me on the journey. I could see his aim.

And well, you know, we've all been born; some of us properly, and some improperly, and there isn't a ha'porth of difference in the value of the article, or the trouble of bringing it into the world. The cheerier you are the better your child will be, and that's all you've got to think about.

"I'm here, and I'm making a fair show at an easy mind," said M'I ver; "but I've been in cheerier circumstances ere now." "So have I, for that part of it," said Betty with spirit, half humorously, half in an obvious punctilio. "Mistress," said he, sitting up gravely, "I beg your pardon. Do you wonder if I'm not in a mood for saying dainty things? I wish "

Powell in his sadness, and also to its other grandfather, then in the house, who could be cheerier over it, as having less reason for melancholy. "A brave girl," is Phillips's description of the new-born infant; "though, whether by ill constitution, or want of care, she grew up more and more decrepit." The poor girl, in fact, turned out a kind of cripple.

The girl appeared powerless to proceed. She tried to speak and stopped, withdrawing her words and framing them afresh, as though fearful of the bluntness of her own inquiry. Her companion perceived her distress, and coming to her relief with a cheerier tone, he said, "Don't fear to ask, Rotha. I think I can guess your question. You want to know if "

Then back to the smithy Siegfried went again; and his forge glowed with a brighter fire, and his hammer rang upon the anvil with a cheerier sound, than ever before. He suffered none to come near, and no one ever knew what witchery he used.

At first the talk was a little gloomy, and ran mainly upon the shortness of life, the uncertainty of it, the perils which beset it, and the need and wisdom of being always prepared for the worst; this shaded off into low-voiced references to the dangers of the deep, and kindred matters; but as the gray east began to redden and the mysterious solemnity and silence of the dawn to give place to the joy-songs of the birds, the talk took a cheerier tone, and our spirits began to rise steadily.

Gripping is the appeal of the sharp cry almost of anguish into which the toiling energy is suddenly resolved. Again the fateful march enters, now in heroic fugue of brass and opposite motion of strings and reed, all overwhelmed with wild recurring pangs of regret. The cheerier melody here re-enters and raises the mood for the nonce. Soon it falls amid dim harmonies.

In his sermon he said, 'Don't trouble yourself about what you believe, but do the will of God. His consciousness of the existence of God and of his immediate supervision was felt every minute by those who listened.... "He stayed several days at the college, and the girls will never get over the good effects of those three days the cheerier views of life and death. "... Rev. Dr.

It was Ellen's voice, but the Troubles were all talking at once, and much as ever he could hear it. "I knew you weren't asleep because your chair creaked, so I says, 'I guess we'll light up, it's enough sight cheerier in the light"; and Ellen's thuddy steps came through the gloom and frightened away the Troubles. "Thank you," Morry said, politely.