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"Aw, is that there the cheerfullest thing you can think of to say?" Happy Jack was sweating, with something more than desert heat. "Why, no. The cheerfullest thing I can think of right now is that Mig, here, don't ride with his eyes shut."

As her own overture to a Sabbath peace, Susanna went to the foot of the stairs and called, in her cheerfullest voice: "Time to get up, 'Kitty Keehoty'!" "Oh, yes! Good morning, Susanna! I've been up ever so long much as ten minutes, I guess."

Why, seeing that it was pre-eminently an airy, accessible, and sequestered spot for interviews, the cheerfullest form of those occurrences never took kindly to the soil of the ruin, would be a curious inquiry. Perhaps it was because its associations had about them something sinister. Its history proved that.

A girl of fifteen! the very age of all others to need most attention and care, and put the cheerfullest spirits to the test! Sure Sir Thomas could not seriously expect such a thing! Sir Thomas is too much my friend. Nobody that wishes me well, I am sure, would propose it. How came Sir Thomas to speak to you about it?" "Indeed, I do not know. I suppose he thought it best." "But what did he say?

The leap was easy enough, but the coming up again was another matter. He failed in that. It was the one thing that could not be done as well as others." "Dreadful!" said Isabel, with the cheerfullest satisfaction. "But what has all that to do with Rochester?" "Now, my dear, You don't mean to say you didn't know that the Genesee Falls were at Rochester? Upon my word, I'm ashamed.

Ellen was turning over Alice's last words, and thinking that little girls were not always the cheerfullest and happiest creatures in the world, when Alice suddenly exclaimed, "It is snowing! Come, Ellen, we must make haste now!" and set off at a quickened pace.

You wrote in the cheerfullest manner, and said you were perfectly well, and in no hurry for me; and that being the case, you must be aware that my wish would be to remain with Lady Russell to the last: and besides what I felt on her account, I have really been so busy, have had so much to do, that I could not very conveniently have left Kellynch sooner."

In its first splendor, the saloon must have presented an aspect both gorgeous and enlivening; for it invested some of the cheerfullest ideas and emotions of which the human mind is susceptible with the external reality of beautiful form, and rich, harmonious glow and variety of color. But the frescos were now very ancient.

When I left the house, it was showering briskly; but the drops quite ceased, and the clouds began to break away before I reached my hotel, and I saw the new moon over my right shoulder. July 21st. We left Grasmere yesterday, after breakfast; it being a delightful morning, with some clouds, but the cheerfullest sunshine on great part of the mountainsides and on ourselves.

Sextons and undertakers are the cheerfullest people in the world at home, as comedians and circus-clowns are the most melancholy in their domestic circle. As our old boarding-house is still in existence, I do not feel at liberty to give too minute a statement of the present condition of each and all of its inmates. I am happy to say, however, that they are all alive and well, up to this time.