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"Yes, sir," and he shook his head and chuckled in delighted remembrance of his waggishness, "that was jest about the cheekiest joke I ever played on a bear!" Posey's mirthful spirits make him always a welcome visitor in the cabins that, tucked away among trees and bowlders, shelter the lone mountaineers.

I always said he was the cheekiest beggar under the sun quite a little chap he was, hideously ugly, with a face like a baked apple, and eyes that made you think of a cinematograph. You know the sort of thing. I used to think he had a future before him, but he seems to have dropped out. He was only about twenty when I had him for a stable-companion.

"But the cheekiest thing I ever did with a bear was one night over in Devil's Gulch. A big storm come up just about dark an' I found a sort o' cave to crawl into. A lot of dry leaves was made into a bed, an' I says to Sunday: 'Reckon we 'll have company before long.

"Of course YOU kin laugh at his darned foolishness; but, by Gosh, it ain't a laughing matter to me!" "But surely he's given you a good position on the 'Guardian," I urged. "That was disinterested, certainly." "Was it? I call that the cheekiest thing yet. When he found he couldn't make enough of me in private life, he totes me out in public as HIS editor the man who runs HIS paper!

"Nervy chap!" Frank said, as the two boys hastened back to the conning tower to see what had become of Ned and Jack. "Cheekiest fellow I ever saw!" Jimmie added. "He really thinks he's goin' to give us the slip. He really believes we daren't do a thing to him. I'll show him!" When the boys came in sight of the beach again they saw Captain Moore threatening Ned with a revolver.

You're a bit sarcastic. How long is it since you were one of the cheekiest grass-stealers on the track?" "Never, Steve. You've been drinking." "Anyway, you need n't be more of a hypocrite than you can help," grumbled Thompson.

Now, if you ever scold me again about anything, I'll put on the Pharisee face; so I warn you. You've got to choose between them. Yes, I know I'm a handful I always have been but, perhaps, it's good for you, Loveday mine: develops your character, and makes you more patient and persevering, and and " "You're the cheekiest little imp on the face of the earth!" interrupted Loveday.

He had her manned by the cheekiest gang of lascars I ever did see, whom he allowed to bawl at you insolently, and, once fast, he plucked you out of your berth as if he did not care what he smashed. Eighteen miles down the river you had to go behind him, and then three more along the coast to where a group of uninhabited rocky islets enclosed a sheltered anchorage.

"You're the cheekiest little imp I ever came across," he said. "I've a jolly good mind to give you a good licking, only I don't believe you'd care tu'pence if I did!" "Well, anyhow you've got to go," answered Diggory, calmly picking up his cap, which had fallen to the ground; "and if you're afraid to go alone for fear she should think it's another proposal, I'll come with you."

Oh, no; thank Heaven, she won't come. She'd be like a death's head in a punch-bowl. She won't come, but she'll tell that she was invited. She'll be too furious not to tell; and everybody will know that I asked her. That's all I care about." Wilson laughed again. "Well," he said again, "you are the cheekiest and the most amusing woman in town.