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What's hurtin' you, Tillie?" he asked, an unwonted kindness in his voice as he saw how ill the little girl looked. "I don' know," Tillie whispered, her heavy eyelids falling again. "You don' know! You can't be so worse if you don' know what's hurtin' you! Have you fever, or the headache, or whatever?" He laid his rough hand on her forehead and passed it over her cheek.

Coles; but with them now came others, all wrapped round and twisted in; and instead of dreamily watching the fire in her twilight musings, she began now to spend them with her cheek on her book, or her head dropped on her hands, an impatient little sigh now and then bearing witness to the depth of the difficulties in which she was plunged.

I am afraid to say from how far off the solid earth would convey to him the vibration of a stag's footstep. Bob sometimes thought his cheek must feel the wind of a sound to which his ear was irresponsive. Beyond a doubt he was occasionally aware of the proximity of an animal, and knew what animal it was, of which Rob had no intimation.

He laid her hand caressingly against his cheek. "It's hard on you, mother but you must bear with me." "I have never complained, John; but now you've chosen your work, it's natural that I should want you to stick to it." He rose with an impatient gesture. "Never fear; I could easily get another job " "What? If Truscomb black-listed you? Do you forget that Scotch overseer who was here when we came?"

"Look here," he said, in a voice that shook with passion, "there's one thing I won't do, and that's propose to you in the office. That's why I'm here. Dede Mason, I want you. I just want you." While he spoke he advanced upon her, his black eyes burning with bright fire, his aroused blood swarthy in his cheek.

Rachel hastened to her assistance, and Polwarth followed. It was some time before they succeeded in reviving her. When at length the colour began to return a little to her cheek, Polwarth dropped on his knees at her feet. Wingfold in his ministrations was already kneeling on one side of her, and Rachel now kneeled on the other.

"Marc'antonio!" she called to one of the three men, who by this time had finished plaiting the litter and were strewing it with fern. Marc'antonio a lean, slight fellow with an old scar on his cheek stepped forward at once. She gave him my note and handkerchief with instructions to hurry.

Undy Scott, among his other good qualities, possessed an enormous quantity of that which schoolboys in these days call 'cheek. He was not easily browbeaten, and was generally prepared to browbeat others. Mr. Chaffanbrass certainly did get the better of him; but then Mr. Chaffanbrass was on his own dunghill. Could Undy Scott have had Mr.

"I haven't any," said Sara. "Dear heart! And were you going to sew those long seams by hand?" Sara nodded deprecatingly, as much as to say she knew it was wrong not to have a machine, but she couldn't help it; and her visitor was so charmed with the look in her sweet eyes, that she gave her cheek a playful little tap as she said, "It's not to be thought of!

No, indeed, I will not tell her what it is. what I am reading, between ourselves, is the change of that smooth and luminous Chorus which rolls out its magnificent tunefulness through a scene of passionate violence the Chorus of the Old Men of Thebes 'Erws avixate... "Invincible Love, O thou who descendest upon rich houses, Thou who dost rest upon the delicate cheek of the maiden, Thou who dost traverse all seas, surely none among the Immortals can escape Thee, nor indeed any among men who live but for a little space; and he who is possessed by Thee, there is a madness upon him."