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Having the Kasis, the Panchalas, the Chedis, and the Matsyas, for my allies and with thee, O slayer of Madhu, for my protector, I prayed for only five villages, etc., Avishthala, Vrikasthala, Makandi, Varanavata, with any other, O Govinda, as the fifth; "Grant us," we said, "five villages or towns, O sire, where we five may dwell in union, for we do not desire the destruction of the Bharatas."

And beholding her enter the city of the king of the Chedis, the boys of the city, from curiosity, began to follow her. And surrounded by them, she came before the palace of the king. And from the terrace the queen-mother saw her surrounded by the crowd. And she said to her nurse, "Go and bring that woman before me. She is forlorn and is being vexed by the crowd.

He whom I did not formerly slay, that wicked wretch amongst the Chedis, who represented himself in this world as a divine personage and who hath become known also as such, and who always beareth, from foolishness, the signs that distinguish me that king of Vanga Pundra and the Kiratas, endowed with great strength, and who is known on earth by the names of Paundraka and Vasudeva hath also espoused the side of Jarasandha.

And in that part of that sea of troops, where Yudhishthira himself was, there were stationed numerous lords of earth. And there also were thousands of elephants, and steeds by ten thousands, and cars and foot-soldiers also by thousands. And there also marched, O bull among kings, Chekitana with his own large force, and king Dhrishtaketu, the leader of the Chedis.

Then, O king, the Chedis, the Srinjayas, the Kasis, and the Kosalas, rushed cheerfully against the son of Bharadwaja from desire of battle. And the Chedis, the Panchalas, and the Srinjayas addressed one another, saying, "Drona is slain! Drona is slain!" Saying these words, they rushed at that hero.

Next to him were those mighty car-warriors Virata and Drupada; and next to them was Nila armed with envenomed weapons. And next to Nila was the mighty car-warrior Dhrishtaketu, surrounded by the Chedis, the Kasis, the Karushas, and the Pauravas.

Upon the fall of Virata and Drupada, and the slaughter of the Kshatriyas, the Chedis, the Matsyas, and the Panchalas, and upon the fall of those three heroes, viz., the three grandsons of Drupada, the high-souled Dhrishtadyumna, beholding those feats of Drona, became filled with rage and grief, and swore in the midst of all the ear-warriors, saying, "Let me lose merits of all my religious acts as also my Kshatriya and Brahma energy, if Drona escape me today with life, or if he succeed in vanquishing me!"

That bull among the Chedis, viz., Dhrishtaketu, endued with great strength, and difficult of being vanquished in battle, proceeded, borne by Kamvoja steeds of variegated hue. Excellent steeds of the Sindhu breed, of beautiful limbs, and of the hue of the smoke of straw, quickly bore the Kaikeya prince, Vrihatkshatra.

Then Viradhanwan, O Bharata, with a laugh, cut off in rage Dhrishtaketu's bow in twain by means of broad-headed arrows. Abandoning that broken bow, the ruler of the Chedis, that mighty car-warrior took up a fierce dart made of iron and equipped with a golden staff.

Until at length searching in the beautiful city of the Chedis, a Brahmana named Sudeva, during the time of the king's prayers, saw the princess of Vidarbha in the palace of the king, seated with Sunanda. And her incomparable beauty was slightly perceptible, like the brightness of a fire enveloped in curls of smoke.