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In that case, I'd like to borrow the best magic teacher available; I won't be much real good until I can control the power I accidentally burned Captain Chavvorth with." The Emperor frowned. "I saw the record tape of that, Jim.

Chavvorth looked uncomfortable, but shook his head. "Such a summoning is dangerous even for an experienced magician far too dangerous for a novice, particularly one who is also a Ranger. No, I will not teach you that spell. But I will attempt to summon this object myself, if you will describe it." Medart frowned.

"In that case, I'd say you are and don't know it. I haven't had a spell miss its mark that far since I was in middle school. We'll find out for sure when you meet Captain Chavvorth, though. He's what we call a Reader, he can sense things about you just being in your presence." Ariel sighed, showing fatigue she'd concealed before.

Why don't you two go someplace comfortable and keep getting acquainted while I recuperate? Chavvorth can brief you on the Sandemans as well as I could, James." "Jim's fine sounds good to me. Captain?" "I am agreeable." Chavvorth turned to one of his officers. "Lieutenant Dawson, you have the con."

"It will be done, Ranger." "Thank you." Medart turned his attention back to Captain Chavvorth. "The Shapers were genetic engineers who left Terra in 2130 and deliberately lost themselves. Not long after that, they began using their own germ plasm to create the Sandeman race as improvements on humanity. The idiots didn't stop with that, though.

That would explain much about them but how could anyone be so stupid?" Medart shrugged. "We don't know. When our Sandemans overthrew their Shapers, almost all the Shaper records were destroyed. My personal opinion is that it was sheer arrogance." "Which they passed along to their creations," Chavvorth said. Medart chuckled.

I'd like close-ups of Lord Vader's lightsaber, please, from as many angles as possible." "It will be about ten seconds." The ship paused for that time, then said, "Completed; they are in your fabricator." "Thank you." Medart went into the sleeping area to get the stills, then returned to the living area and handed them to Chavvorth. "Mine looks like this.

They designed a complex of physical and psychological traits that made a percentage of the males into genetically-determined warriors who not only like to fight it's one of their favorite occupations they have to either fight or make love at regular intervals just to stay healthy." Chavvorth stared at him. "Genetically determined warriors?

I'd be willing to bet you'd even recognize this ship's designation, maybe name IBC Emperor Barton." "I do," Medart said. An Imperial Battle Cruiser, named after the twelfth Sovereign. "Then from what you've said about Captain Chavvorth, I'd expect him to be a Traiti." "He is."

"We were never able to determine accurate casualty figures, but the best estimate for both sides, military and civilian, is between eight and ten billion, mostly Traiti. And we came entirely too damn close to genocide before Steve was able to end the war." "But he did," Chavvorth said calmly, "and we took our proper place in your Empire as we did here." His expression became taut.