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It is announced at the Ministry of War that it was not the Tenth but the First Battalion of Chasseurs-a-Pied that captured the German regimental flag now hung in the Invalides. The French tobacco factories are working night and day to supply the armies with tobacco, for in all countries soldiers and sailors are ardent devotees to "My Lady Nicotine."

The winter of 1841 was also spent in raising our battalions of Chasseurs-a-pied, the personal work of my eldest brother. I used often to go and keep him company in the camp at St. Omer, while he was employing all his great powers in organizing this force.

The flag was taken to the Elysee Palace and shown to President Poincare, who is himself a major of chasseurs-a-pied. It was afterwards placed in the Invalides. General Michel, the Governor of Paris, has notified all places of public entertainment that their programmes must henceforth be submitted to the censors under pain of closure of the establishment.

He says, "Beside the condition of success resulting from the first organization, it must be said, that, somewhat later, the happy idea came to be adopted, of giving to the Zouaves destined to fight in the light-armed troops the costume of Chasseurs-a-pied.

The soldiers gathered round us as the motor stopped throngs of chasseurs-a-pied in faded, trench-stained uniforms for few visitors climb to this point, and their pleasure at the sight of new faces was presently expressed in a large "Vive l'Amerique!" scrawled on the door of the car.

"He's been there for days: they can't fetch him away," said the watcher, regluing his eye to the hole; and it was almost a relief to find it was after all a tangible enemy hidden over there across the meadow... The sun had set when we got back to our starting-point in the underground village. The chasseurs-a-pied were lounging along the roadside and standing in gossiping groups about the motor.

Beyond a certain point all was conjecture we knew only that what happened after that would depend on the good-will of a Colonel of Chasseurs-a-pied whom we were to go a long way to find, up into the folds of the mountains on our southeast horizon. We picked up a staff-officer at Head-quarters and flew on to a battered town on the edge of the hills.

Me, the h-only thing I don' ligue those epaulette'. So soon ev'ybody see that on me, 'tis 'Lieut'nan'! in thiz place, an' 'Lieut'nan'! in that place. My de'seh, you'd thing I'm a majo'-gen'l, in fact. Well, of co'se, I don' ligue that." "And so you're a lieutenant?" "Third! Of the Chasseurs-á-Pied! Coon he'p 't, in fact; the fellehs elected me. Goin' at Pensacola tomaw. Dr.

But of human occupants there was an ample sufficiency, considering the cubic space available for breathing purposes. Sitting in melancholy array against the walls, with their legs half buried in the straw and their backs against the baseboards, were eighteen prisoners two Belgian cavalrymen and sixteen Frenchmen mostly Zouaves and chasseurs-a-pied.

Thermometer at five P.M. 17 degrees centigrade. In 1840, the Tenth Chasseurs-a-Pied were commanded by Patrice de MacMahon, then a major and afterwards Marshal of France and Duc de Magenta, and whose name is remembered by the corps in their march song: "L' dixiem' batallion, Commandant Mac-Mahon, N'a pas peur du canon, Nom de nom!" The captured flag is of magenta colored silk, with a white St.