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The Chartists are theoretically the more backward, the less developed, but they are genuine proletarians all over, the representatives of their class. The Socialists are more far-seeing, propose practical remedies against distress, but, proceeding originally from the bourgeoisie, are for this reason unable to amalgamate completely with the working-class.

'The Chartists, said Sir John. Alfred looked round. He was a soldier, though the ink had hardly dried upon the parchment that made him one the only soldier in the room. 'We are eleven here, he said, 'and two men downstairs some of you fellows have your valets too say fifteen in all. We cannot stand this, you know.

Among these was Louis Napoleon, longing for a fight of some sort in alliance with England. He did net get it till some years after. There was no collision, in fact no large compact procession; the Chartists, mostly very good citizens, quietly dispersed and went home after presenting their petition.

The agitation came to a head in 1848. Britain had thus her own 'little flutter' of revolution, like so many other European countries during that memorable year. On the 10th of April, the Chartists were to muster on Kennington Common half a million strong.

They expect the world to be regenerated, not by becoming more a Church none would gladlier help them in bringing that about than the Chartists themselves, paradoxical as it may seem but by being dosed somewhat more with a certain "Church system," circumstance, or "dodge."

The whole of the north of England, and a great part of the midland counties were in a state of disaffection; the entire country was suffering; hope had deserted the labouring classes; they had no confidence in any future of the existing system. Their organisation, independent of the political system of the Chartists, was complete.

Not for a moment did they believe the lies and delusions of the middle-class radicals, not for a moment did they abandon their struggle against the latter, but fully conscious of what they were doing, the Chartists assisted their enemies to triumph over the Tories, and the day after the abolition of the Corn Laws, it was no longer Tories and Free Traders who faced each other at the hustings, but Free Traders and Chartists.

"Exactly in proportion as the vote of the elector is determined by his own will, and not by that of somebody who is his master, his position is similar to that of a member of Parliament, and publicity is indispensable. So long as any portion of the community are unrepresented, the argument of the Chartists against ballot in conjunction with a restricted suffrage is unassailable.

They are opening that new college for women, with a Greek play all about the Trojans, and Charlotte particularly wanted to go." "H'm?" queried the King; "rather an advanced set for Charlotte to consort with just now, I mean, don't you think? There might be some of those Women Chartists among them." "Oh, no!" replied her Majesty; "they are all quite respectable, ladies every one of them.

The whole performance turned out on investigation to have been so feeble and amateurish that suspicion rapidly descended from the more experienced practitioners of anarchy, imported from other countries, to home-products of later growth strikers made desperate and savage by the recent sentences upon their leaders, or, as some would have it, the Women Chartists, hoping by an attack upon royalty to bring a neglectful ministry to its senses.