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It's Miss Maud I wants, and Miss Maud I'll find, or Lord bless her swate face and morals, and her charackter, and all belonging to her! isn't that, now, a prathy composure for the likes of her, and the savages at the mill, and the Missus in tears, and the masther mighty un'asy, and all of us bothered!

Such a man was found in Martin Dooley, a prom'nent retail liquor dealer in Ar-rchey Road. "That's what I wanted, an' I'm glad I didn't get me wish. If I had, 'tis little attintion to me charackter that th' books iv what Hogan calls bi-ography wud pay, but a good deal to me debts.

Burr could always read some aloud to Mrs. Prichard, failing studious energy on the part of the old lady. She reproduced it in compliance with the current of events. For Uncle Moses, settling down to a fresh pipe after supper, said to his friend, similarly occupied: "What, now, was the name of that charackter him as got out at the Jug?" "Something like Mackerel," said Mr. Alibone.

"Me, impudent? how daur ye speak against my charackter, that's kenned for decency o' baith sides the Firrth." "Oh, ye're sly enough to beguile the men, but we ken ye." Christie. If ye're no ben your hoose in ae minute, I'll say that will gar Liston Carnie fling ye ower the pier-head, ye fool-moothed drunken leear Scairt!"* *A local word; a corruption from the French Sortez.