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A chap-book containing Coul's discourse with Mr. Ogilby, a minister, was very popular in the last century. Mr. Ogilby left an account in manuscript, on which the chap-book was said to be based. Another ghost of a very moral turn appeared, and gave ministers information about a case of lawless love.

The sordid, yet extravagant, chap-book legend no longer outraged either his moral or his scientific sense. He recalled his emotions in the theatre at Naples when Morabita sang, remembering how wholly welcome had then been to him that imagined approaching-act of retributive justice.

"Lie there," said they, "and shift for thyself, for no help thou shalt have of us;" and there they left the eel to be drowned. Campbell's Gaelic story differs so little from the above that we must suppose it to have been derived directly from the English chap-book.

I felt it my duty in the morning to buy a chap-book relating the adventures of the famous brigands who were called the Seven Children of Ecija; and this, somewhat sleepily, I began to read. It required a byronic stomach, for the very first chapter led me to a monastery where mass proceeded in memory of some victim of undiscovered crime.

It informed him, further, how the said small Ishmael whether alarmed by the violence of my lady's men-servants, or wanting merely, childlike, to welcome his returning father ran to the coach door and clambered on the step; whence, thanks to a vicious thrust so declares the chap-book from "the painted Jezebel within," he fell, while the horses plunging forward caused the near hind wheel of the heavy, lumbering vehicle to pass over his legs, almost severing them from his body just above the knee.