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"And I won't belong to this old club any more," said Wort, smarting under the castigation he had received. "Who wants my chance may have it." "'Tith an old club," sobbed Pip, "and who wantth my chanth may have it." "O, fellers, let's not get mad," said the president. "Pooh!" exclaimed the governor. "You can say so, who gave all the lickin's." "And not had one yourself," said Charlie.

"It was an absurd situation. I was beginning smilingly to shake my head when the Jew resumed eagerly: "I tell you, misther, itth a chanth in a million. A firth clath bithneth and not a brown to pay for the goodwill. Come in and have a look round, he added persuasively. "I suppose I am curious by nature.

I hateth t' tell you, Tumm, says she, 'what it ith. But all the other maidth hath un, Tumm, an' I wanth one, too. I 'low they ithn't no woman happy without one, Tumm. An' I ithn't never had no chanth afore. No chanth, Tumm, though God knowth they ithn't nothin' I wouldn't do, says she, 't' get what I wanth! I'll wed the fool, says she. 'It ithn't a man I wanth tho much; no, it ithn't a man.

"Both men stood aside to enable me to continue my reading, and, as I was about to turn away, the smarter of the two addressed me. "'Good chanth here, misther. Nithe little bithness going for nothing. No charge for goodwill or fixtures. Ready-made bithneth and nothing to pay but rent. "'Ja! the other man broke in, 'dat shop is a leedle goldmine; und you buys 'im for noding.