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The priest and Godefroid were both surprised when they entered together the rue Massilon, which is opposite to the small north portal of the cathedral, and turned together into the rue Chanoinesse, at the point where, towards the rue de la Colombe, it becomes the rue des Marmousets.

This ferment of intellectual life was one of the signs of the times, but it led to no more definite and tangible results than the turning of a madrigal or the sparkle of an epigram. An Intriguing Chanoinesse Her Singular Fascination Her Salon Its Philosophical Character Mlle. Aisse Romances of Mme. de Tencin D'Alembert La Belle Emilie Voltaire The Two Women Compared

I lived three months in her house." "Rue Chanoinesse?" "No, not in the Rue Chanoinesse, where she did not live, any more than she was the saintly woman of Balzac's novel; but at her Château of Tournebut d'Aubevoye near Gaillon!"

The Prince conceived a passion for her, and obtained from her a promise to follow him 'wherever providence might lead him, if he failed in his attempt. At a date not specified, her uncle, 'General Graeme, obtained for her a nomination as chanoinesse in a chapitre noble of the Netherlands.

I suppose Beckendorff will bring an anonymous friend to Court next." "She cannot be his daughter," said Bernstorff. "To be a Chanoinesse of that order, remember, she must be noble." "Then she must be his niece," answered the young Count of Eberstein. "I think I do remember some confused story about a sister of Beckendorff who ran away with some Wirtemberg Baron. What was that story, Gernsbach?"

Though, like most of the sons of our century, he was far from religious, his sensibilities were touched by those words, and he returned to the rue Chanoinesse, although he had almost made up his mind not to do so.

The Abbe Fleuret was horrified by the conviction that this pretty young nun was in love with himself, and used his influence to secure her transference to a secular order at Neuville, where as chanoinesse, she had many privileges and few restrictions. Here she became at once a favorite, as before, charming by her modest devotion, and amusing by her brilliant wit.

These high-born dames, like certain temporal rulers of the sex, loved battle, and more than one chanoinesse, when defied by feudal neighbours, mounted the breach and directed her people. One and all were of noble birth, and many doubtless possessed the intellectual distinction and personal charm of Renan's Abbesse de Jouarre.

On Sunday we went with the Comtesse de Salis and the Baronne de Salis, who is also Chanoinesse, but goes into the world in roses and pink ribbons nevertheless, and is very agreeable, moreover, and with M. Le Baron, an officer in the Swiss Guards, an old bachelor, to St. Sulpice, to hear M. Fressenus.

When we had that odious adventure with Mademoiselle Grumeau, who'd been so highly recommended by Monsieur de Chantelle's aunt, the Chanoinesse, Adelaide was of course sent for, and she said at once: 'I'm not the least bit surprised.