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She was unhesitatingly frank and ready with criticism and challenge of his opinions, indeed he appeared to possess a fatal facility for championing her special aversions and antagonising her enthusiasms. Of the latter her most avowed example was Captain Jack, as she loved to call him.

And this, Harriet was quick to realize, really did place her in a peculiar position, made difficult by Richard's kindly championing no less than his mother's hostility, by the adoring sympathy of the servants, and the affectionate familiarities of the Carter children.

'What those sort of fellows do never surprises me, he said, with a semi-yawn. Rose felt fire on her cheeks. 'It's only what the young man is bound to do, said Mrs. Shorne. 'His duty, aunt? I hope we may all do it! Rose interjected. 'Championing him again? Rose quietly turned her face, too sure of her cold appreciation of him to retort.

It was the commonest thing for a Member of Parliament, a man solemnly sworn and consecrated to the loyal service of the Crown and State, to fill a signed column of Clement Blaine's paper, with an article or letter the whole avowed end of which would be the championing of some national enemy or rival, or the advocacy of means whereby a shrewd blow might be struck against British rule or British prestige in some part of the world.

He may either despise his audience to such a degree that he does not attempt to make himself intelligible, or he may quench the spark of his thought in the effort to trim his verse into a shape that pleases his public. Austin Dobson takes malicious pleasure, often, in championing the less aristocratic side of the controversy.

The grand new political idea in India is the idea of nationality, and one of its corollaries is the championing of things Indian and depreciation of things British. The strong anti-British bias among the educated is one of the noteworthy and regrettable changes in the Indian mind within the last half-century.

Thou wert slain because it was not thy way to play the coward; ever wert thou championing the men and women of Troy without thought of taking shelter or flight. And for that thou wert slain, my son." 'And I, Helen, went to the bed too, to lament for noble Hector. "Of all the friends I had in Troy, thou wert the dearest, Hector," I cried.

Erme, and they had everything to do with the founding and prosperity of early Falmouth, championing it against the rival claims and animosity of Penryn and Truro.

"G., you are just as pertinacious yourself in championing your opinions. What sustains you when nobody agrees with you?" Oct. 28. When I dropped in at Uncle Ralph's last evening to welcome them back, the whole family were busy at a great center-table copying sequestration acts for the Confederate Government.

The letter aroused fury the followers of Brother Paul either didnt read the Intelligencer or were satisfied their leader needed no championing, if they did and other letters poured in calling for various expressions of popular disapproval, from simple boycott up through tarring and feathering to plain and elaborated with gasoline and castration lynching. The grass was a hot topic.