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But all Garnier's marked that whereas the habitues contented themselves with an omelette aux champignons, saute potatoes and a Petit Suisse, or the like modest menu, Betty's new friend ordered for himself, and for her, "a real regular dinner," beginning with hors d'oeuvre and ending with "mendiants."

"Plover it is," he said to the waiter, and added, "tell Pierre it's for me and he'd better not burn it again." The waiter was crushed by Pierre's lapse, especially as the chef's name was Achille. Ferriday went on: "With the plover we might have some champignons frais sous cloche and a salade de laitue avec French dressing, yes?

No cabaret can hold a candle to it for variety of interest. When the sudden torrential storms sweep down the mountains at meal times, the little human champignons, beneath their insufficient cloche, rush about wildly seeking spots where the drippage will not wash their food away.

Smith said that he'd keep the caff, and when he saida thing he meant it! Of course there were changes, small changes. I don't say, mind you, that the fillet de beef that you get there now is perhaps quite up to the level of the filet de boeufs aux champignons of the days of glory.

"She has good reasons for preserving her incognito here." "Ah, I see! Do you think of staying here long?" "A month, or thereabouts, and our pleasures will be limited to seeing the town and its surroundings and going to the theatre. We shall also enjoy the pleasures of the table. I hope to eat champignons every day, they are better here than anywhere else." "An excellent plan.

"Una crostata," I replied, "but I really do not know the Italian for the 'beatilles' with which it is stuffed." These 'beatilles' were balls of rice, veal, champignons, artichoke, foie gras, etc. The Jesuit declared that in calling them 'beatilles' I was making a mock of the glories of hereafter.

He filled the glass and handed it to her just as Jacques entered, bearing the hot and savoury omelette aux champignons. "Well!" and Captain Holliday raised his glass and his left eyebrow simultaneously with easy nonchalance, "may we all get what we want!" "Hear, hear," murmured the doctor mechanically, and drank his cocktail at a gulp.

"She has good reasons for preserving her incognito here." "Ah, I see! Do you think of staying here long?" "A month, or thereabouts, and our pleasures will be limited to seeing the town and its surroundings and going to the theatre. We shall also enjoy the pleasures of the table. I hope to eat champignons every day, they are better here than anywhere else." "An excellent plan.

Oh, I guess Art is still in it." "I'm so glad you've kept on," said Delia, heartily. "You're bound to win, dear. Thirty-three dollars! We never had so much to spend before. We'll have oysters to-night." "And filet mignon with champignons," said Joe. "Where is the olive fork?" On the next Saturday evening Joe reached home first.

"Una crostata," I replied, "but I really do not know the Italian for the 'beatilles' with which it is stuffed." These 'beatilles' were balls of rice, veal, champignons, artichoke, foie gras, etc. The Jesuit declared that in calling them 'beatilles' I was making a mock of the glories of hereafter.