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Her infancy was unfortunate through the unhappy fate of her mother, but she was nevertheless educated with care and attention; in her yet infant faculties her father had the discernment to perceive uncommon strength and promise. Lady Champernoun, an accomplished and excellent woman, was appointed by Henry governess to the young princess.

My mark is Petrucci." "And the priest," said Champernoun. The crowd in the Rue de Bethisy was thinning, as bands of soldiers, each with its tail of rabble, moved off to draw other coverts. There was fighting still in many houses, and on the roof-tops as the pale dawn spread could be seen the hunt for fugitives.

Fortunately, however, our leaders, being in possession of cooler heads and clearer brains, decided otherwise, and when winter came, making a campaign impossible, we were still inside the walls. During the autumn we were joined by a troop of English gentlemen, about a hundred strong, under the leadership of one named Henry Champernoun.

There were women there, and children, lying twisted on the causeway. Once a fugitive darted out of an entry, to be brought down by a butcher's axe. "I have never seen worse in the Indies," and Champernoun shivered. "My stomach turns. For heaven's sake let us ride down this rabble!" "Patience," said Gaspard, his eyes hard as stones.

To her second husband the fair Champernoun bore a son whose fame was destined to be world-wide, and who, in a period more prolific of great men and great events than any before or since, played a gallant part, and was also knighted, as Sir Walter Raleigh, by Queen Bess.

His mother was a Champernoun of purest Norman descent, and "could probably boast of having in her veins the blood of Courtneys, Emperors of Byzant." Sir Otho had three sons by this lady, John, Humphrey, and Adrian, who all proved to be men of superior abilities.

"His good blade has rid us of the arch-heretic," and the mob took up the shout. Gaspard was cool now. His fury had become a cold thing like a glacier. "I know him!" he whispered to Champernoun. "He is the Italian Petrucci. He is our first quarry." "The second will be that damned friar," was the Englishman's answer.

The two looked after the splendid figure. "That bird is in fine feather," said Champernoun. Gaspard's jaw was very grim. "Some day he will lie huddled under the assassin's knife. He will die as he has made my chief die, and his body will be cast to the dog's.... But he has given me a plan," and he spoke in his companion's ear. The Englishman laughed.

Perhaps they do not need them for their faces will be known. Nevertheless for better security it might be well...." He stopped with the air of a huckster crying his wares. Gaspard spoke a word to Champernoun in Spanish. Then to the landlord: "We are strangers, so must bow to the custom of your city. Have you a man to send to the Hotel de Guise?" "Why trouble the Duke, my lord?" was the answer.