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The old man made a descent on him. "What are you going to do with that pile of books?" "Fifteen wants 'em, sir." "Fifteen, is it? He'll want a warming-pan, next he'll want a nurse! Take him every thing there is in the house take him the bar-keeper take him the baggage-wagon take him a chamber-maid! Confound me, I never saw any thing like it. What did he say he wants with those books?"

The second story of our house was occupied by an embroidery shop, and there, among many girl workers, lived the sixteen year old chamber-maid, Tanya. Every morning her little, pink face, with blue, cheerful eyes, leaned against the pane of the little window in our hallway door, and her ringing, kind voice cried to us: "Little prisoners! Give me biscuits!"

"Shall I take your bag into the dressing room, sah?" said the black male chamber-maid as if to intimate that I should leave the aisle free for his operations. "Many thanks, yes," I answered him. "Good night, Madam, and to you again much gratitude for the happiness of an evening," and with all sincerity I directed Mr.

It was The Conservation of Force and The Phenomena of Nature. I laid it down with a sigh of discomfiture. The next evening, my hostess gave a small entertainment, and what was my amazement, not to say offense, to perceive the cook, the chamber-maid, and in fact all the servants in the establishment, enter and join in the conversation and amusement.

And out on the lobby with him swearing he should give him his revenge, or he'd know the reason why. "Where's Mr. Beauclerc's room?" he shouts to me, as if he'd strike me; I did not care a rush about that, but I was afraid to say it stuck in my throat like and I stared at Mr. Archer; and he calls to the chamber-maid, that was going up stairs, "Where does Mr.

"Sir Alexander considered himself bound in honour to provide for the widow and her daughter of his faithful servant, particularly as the former had been left without any means of support. Both mother and daughter were received into his service Dinah as housekeeper at the Hall, and her daughter Rachel as upper chamber-maid.

Do you think Ruth is gone?" Yes, Judge Erskine knew that his daughter was out, for she stepped into the library to leave a message a few moments ago, and she was then dressed for the street, and had passed out a moment afterward. Then did he know whether Katie Flinn, the chamber-maid, was in? "Of course you won't know," she added, blushing and smiling at the absurdity of her question.

The man dashed along the corridor, much to the amazement of a passing chamber-maid. He returned, bearing the bag in triumph. "Seventeen seconds! By the law of equity you are entitled to eighteenpence." Brett produced the money and led the gaping waiter out of the room, promptly shutting the door on him. "He's a rum gentleman that," said the waiter to the girl.

An English dairy-maid or chamber-maid, ploughman or groom, shopkeeper or mechanic, has each a dress consistent in its parts, and adapted to the situation and employment of the wearer. But a country girl in France, whose bed-gown and petticoat are of the coarsest materials, and scantiest dimensions, has a pair of long dangling ear-rings, worth from 30 to 40 francs.

Over and over again did she consider the question whether, in this latter case, these women should both be general house-work servants, or one of them a cook and the other a chamber-maid and laundress. There was much to be considered on each side.