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He must have been greatly disappointed. He has always been very fond of me, you will remember. Even as boys, we had much in common." Madame Chalumeau's eyes twinkled as she nodded. Colibris' harmless vanity always amused her. "Yes, yes, I know. He inquired very particularly for you. A great man, Victor." "Yes, yes.

"A great loss, M. Bouillard; an irreparable loss. But my coffee is nearly ready. Will you not let me give you a cup? And ten minutes later the two gossips, as the pleasant old phrase runs, were seated in Madame Chalumeau's little sitting-room behind her shop, breakfasting together.

Hélas non, Madame Bathilde, I am but this moment awake what time is it?" Just inside the door of Madame Chalumeau's shop, Au Gout Parisien, hung a clock. "It is ten minutes to seven." "Eh, bien, au revoir, Madame Bathilde I must go and set things going in my small household. Alas, poor Joséphine!" Madame Chalumeau shook her head with great gravity.

Every morning he breakfasted with her, every Sunday and Feast-day he accompanied her to Mass, and occasionally he took her to drink a glass of Hydromel at the Café du Musée. He was a prosperous man in a small way, and considered attractive by the widows and elderly maidens of Falaise; but no one dreamed of disputing Madame Chalumeau's sway over his heart.

The milk is at your elbow, M. Désiré " Outside in her tiny garden a bee boomed somnolently among the red and yellow flowers, and somewhere near at hand a church bell jerked its unmusical summons to prayer. Madame Chalumeau's face, glossy and red-and-white like a Norman apple, wore an expression of anxious expectation. Moreover, she had put on a narrow lace collar and pinned it with a coral brooch.