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A lantern and a mammoth key were suspended above the door and hanging upon the side of the shop was a wooden stair ascending to the chalet The latter had a sheathing of weather-worn clapboards. It stood on the rear end of the brick building, communicating with the front rooms above the shop.

The mule-road to the summit of the Riffelberg passed right in front of the chalet, a circumstance which we almost immediately noticed, because a procession of tourists was filing along it pretty much all the time. "Pretty much" may not be elegant English, but it is high time it was. There is no elegant word or phrase which means just what it means.

The entrance to the Chalet is by a little trellised iron door, the uprights of which, ending in lance-heads, show for a few inches above the fence and its hedge. Dumay consoled himself for the toils of business in taking care of this hot-house, whose exotic treasures were one of Modeste's joys.

We could not fail, during our visit, to think of the connection his name would always have with Cobham Hall, though he was then still by our side, and the little châlet yet remained embowered in its own green trees overlooking the sail-dotted Medway as it flowed towards the Thames. The old city of Rochester, to which we have already referred as being particularly well known to all Mr.

"They tell me you are so comfortable that you have got such a beautiful little house." Eugenia stared that is, she smiled; she thought of her poor little chalet and she wondered whether her hostess were jesting. "Yes, my house is exquisite," she said; "though not to be compared to yours." "And my son is so fond of going to see you," Mrs. Acton added. "I am afraid my son will miss you."

These monks, it is said, keep a bell ringing during storms. It seems to me I can see one of the old monks sitting over his fire, putting on more wood, and making his tight chalet as warm as he can, in case a traveller should come. Presently he hears a cheerful bark from one of the dogs. He opens his door; the poor, frozen, half-starved traveller enters.

Bury's sitting-room for a few hours every day; but there she lay on a folding chaise-longue that had been arranged for her, languid but bright, reading, working, looking at Mrs. Bury's drawings, and keeping the diary of the adventures of the others. Her husband would fain never have left her, but he had to take his baths. These were in the lower story of the larger chalet.

There was no signature, but across the table the two men looked at one another, for the writing was the writing of Jasper Cole. Jasper Cole at that moment was trudging through the snow to the little châlet which May Nuttall had taken on the slope of the mountain overlooking Chamonix. The sleigh which had brought him up from the station was at the foot of the rise.

A place with a big open gateway where everybody can enter and ah! there is where the danger lies a little by-path all hedged about with lilac bushes, where anybody can escape to the woods by the river an ever-present refuge in time of trouble and in constant use more's the pity for it is the unexpected that always happens at the Chalet Cycle.

It was not posing as a Greek temple or a Swiss chalet, but simply a strong, rough, honest, grain elevator. At the end of each street was a vista of the prairie, with its farm-houses, windmill pumps, and long lines of Osage-orange hedges.