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An hour later, Ben Puryear called from the reactor area, his voice strained with anger. "Scott, do you know what those " He gargled obscenities for a moment. "You know what they've done? They've re-packed the Number One Doernberg-Giardano; got a chain-reaction started again." "Who?" "Fred Hausinger's gang. Apparently at Harry Crandall's orders.

I think it at the very best a waste of time; at the worst, extremely dangerous. In what way, Miss Francis? In every way. Did you ever hear of a chain-reaction, young man? Or radioactivity?

Let loose on an overcrowded planet which had lost all hope of relief after fifty years in which only the moon had been colonized and its colony had a population in the hundreds, only the idea of faster-than-light travel was the one impossible dream that everybody wanted to believe in. The story spread in a manner that could only be described as chain-reaction in character.

The men who are running this are right on Home Time Line, many of them in positions of prominence, and if we can catch one of them and narco-hyp him, we can start a chain-reaction of disclosures all through this Slave Trust." "How are we going to get at these top men?" Tortha Karf wanted to know. "Advertise for them on telecast?" "They'll leave traces; they won't be able to avoid it.

The excuse was that it would be unsafe to leave the reactor in its dismantled condition during a prolonged shutdown they were assuming, I suppose, that the strike would be allowed to proceed unopposed but of course the real reason was that they wanted to get a chain-reaction started to keep our people from working on the reactor." "Well, didn't Hausinger try to stop them?" "Not very hard.

"They are all thinking in unison, combining their telepathic powers. They dominate those nearest to them, who join and amplify their telepathic signal, and it spreads out through the whole group. A mental chain-reaction." "That would explain the mechanism of community leadership, and I'd been wondering about that," Dorver said, becoming more excited.