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I had my murderer there, trapped, but the question was to keep him there. Your little Chaddie didn't give up many precious moments to reverie. I tiptoed into the bedroom and lifted the mattress, bedding and all, off the bedstead. I tugged it out and put it silently down over the trap-door. Then, without making a sound, I turned the table over on it.

Dinky-Dunk looked about at me quickly, as though in search of some touch of malice in that statement. He seemed bewildered, in fact, to find that I was able to smile at him. "But that, Chaddie, was nearly four long years ago," he reminded me, with a morose and meditative clouding of the brow. And I knew exactly what he was thinking about.

But he was able to smile at that, for all my iciness. "Is it belated?" he asked. "Wouldn't you call it that?" I quietly inquired. "But I had to clear up that case of the stolen horses," he protested, "that Sing Lo thievery." "Which naturally comes before one's family," I ironically reminded him. "But courts are courts, Chaddie," he maintained, with a pretense of patience.

He's effete and old-worldish and probably useless, out here, but he stands for something I've been missing, and I'll be greatly mistaken if Percival Benson and Chaddie McKail are not pretty good friends before the winter's over! He's asked if he might be permitted to call, and he's coming for dinner to-morrow night, and I do hope Dinky-Dunk is nice to him if we're to be neighbors.

All that I must remember was that he stood my lord and master. I had made my foolish little struggle to be mistress of my own destiny, and now that I had failed, and failed utterly, I must bend to whatever might be given to me. "It's hard luck, Chaddie," he said, with a pretense at being sympathetic. But there was no real sorrow in his eye as he stood there surveying my devastated ranch.

He felt abstractedly down in his coat pocket for his pipe, which is always a helpful sign. "It's big and fine of you, Chaddie, to put it that way," he began, rather awkwardly, and with just a touch of color coming to his rather gray-looking cheek-bones. "But can't you see that now it's the children we've got to think of?" "I have thought of them," I quietly announced.

He's served to knock the moss off my soul by more or less indirectly reminding me that all work and no play could make Chaddie McKail a very dull girl indeed.

Ikkie now sits down with difficulty, and Bobs shows the white of his eye when she comes near him, which isn't more often than Ikkie can help And of such, in these troublous Ides of March, and April and May, is the kingdom of Chaddie McKail! Tuesday the Second I may as well begin at the beginning, I suppose, so as to get the whole thing straight.

So let's get right down to hard-pan. Have they have they really cleaned you out?" "To the last dollar," he replied, without looking up. "What did it?" I asked, remaining stubbornly and persistently ox-like in my placidity. "No one thing did it, Chaddie, except that I tried to bite off too much. And for the last two years, of course, the boom's been flattening out.

It took me a long time to decide just what to sign myself, just how to pilot my pen between the rocks of candor and dignity. So I ended up by signing it "Chaddie" and nothing more, for already the fires of emotion had cooled and a perplexed little reaction of indifferency had set in.