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But hear the man himself: "Cet homme de meurtres et d'inceste, incarne dans l'animal des hecatombes et des bestialites antiques en evoque les monstrueuses images. Je crois entendre le taureau de Phalaris et le taureau de Pasiphae repondre, de loin, par d'effrayants mugissements, aux cris humains de ce bucentaure." That is the top note on this subject. Hereafter all must pale to anti-climax.

But an artist, for instance, to whom my kindlier judgment has made permanent concessions is that charming Andrea del Sarto. When I first knew him, in my cold youth, I used to say without mincing that I didn't like him. <i>Cet age est sans pitie</i>. The fine sympathetic, melancholy, pleasing painter!

"C'est bien pour un garcon de rien comme cet individu dont vous avez fait un ami, mais pas pour vous, pas pour vous. * Only a hobbledehoy could amuse himself in this way," he added in Russian but pronouncing the word with a French accent having noticed that Zherkov could still hear him. * "Forty thousand men massacred and the army of our allies destroyed, and you find that a cause for jesting!"

I will not run the risk of weakening the force of Moerenhout's description of the prophetic state by translating it: "Un individu, dans cet etat, avait le bras gauche enveloppe d'un morceau d'etoffe, signe de la presence de la Divinite. Il ne parlait que d'un ton imperieux et vehement. Ses attaques, quand il allait prophetiser, etaient aussi effroyables qu'imposantes.

Je comprends parfaitement que vous ne pouviez supprimer certains passages dont vous ne voulez cependant pas assumer la solidarite. Ces passages ne m'empecheront pas de lire avec interet la suite des oeuvres de cet observateur peu bien-veillant, mais fin et spirituel.

Cet homme eut beaucoup soin de moi; ce qui ne leur est point ordinaire vis-

"Tout le personel de cet etablissement est mobilise." A personal incident brought the significance of the general mobilization sharply to my mind. I had not realized till then how completely the business of Paris would be brought to a standstill, and how utterly things would be changed.

"Orang-outang nom de cet animal aux Indes orientales: Pongo nom de cet animal a Lowando Province de Congo. "Jocko, Enjocko, nom de cet animal a Congo que nous avons adopte. 'En' est l'article que nous avons retranche."

Now I've remembered it, but I kept losing it before. And why have they taken us farther. It was nice there too, but here cela dement trop froid. A propos, j'ai en tout quarante roubles et voila cet argent, take it, take it, I can't take care of it, I shall lose it or it will be taken away from me.... I seem to be sleepy, I've a giddiness in my head. Yes, I am giddy, I am giddy, I am giddy.

Her demeanour to the eldest girl was equally characteristic in another way. This was a vicious child. "Quelle peste que cette Desiree! Quel poison que cet enfant la!" were the expressions dedicated to her, alike in kitchen and in schoolroom. Amongst her other endowments she boasted an exquisite skill in the art, of provocation, sometimes driving her bonne and the servants almost wild.