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The kitchen was as perfectly silent as though it were empty. "I cert'nly did see her," said he, almost doubting his eyesight; "maybe she's playing off a game." He got up and looked cautiously round the entrance, quite expecting Lilac to jump out from some hiding-place with a laugh; but a very different sight met his eyes.

"I didn't know I'd have to lay over here. Well, I have sat up before." "This one's mine," said the drummer, sitting down on it. "Half's plenty enough room for me." "You're cert'nly mighty kind," said the cowpuncher. "But I'd not think o' disconveniencing yu'." "That's nothing. The other half is yours. Turn in right now if you feel like it." "No. I don't reckon I'll turn in right now.

She has cert'nly come from where they are used to believing in God and a hereafter mighty hard, and all day long. She has got one o' them crucifixes, and Hank can't make her quit prayin' to it. But what is she going to do?" "He will probably leave her," I said. "Yes," said the Virginian "leave her.

I like music ever so much, an' so does David, though I guess it would floor him to try an' raise a tune. I used to sing quite a little when I was younger, an' I gen'ally help at church an' prayer meetin' now. Why, cert'nly. Why not? When would you play if it wa'n't in the evenin'? David sleeps over the wing. Do you hear him snore?" "Hardly ever," replied John, smiling.

"Say," he said, "that's a mighty smooth hat you got on." And he touched the fluffy rim of it with his forefinger. His fat shoulders leaned toward her yearningly. "We'd cert'nly of had a lot better time sizzin' along in that little racer I got," he said. "I'd like to had you see how I handle that little car.

I cert'nly would." And now anger came to its own again. "You don't know what you're talking about, Nan Bryerson! You're nothing but a a miserable little heathen; my mother said you was!" he cried out after her. But a back-flung grimace was all the answer he had.

"An' affectionate is a mighty expensive word, too," she said, slowly, glancing over the intended inscription, in her husband's handwriting. "Yes. Your pitcher don't stand for a thing but generosity an' mine don't mean a thing but selfishness. Yes, take it back, cert'nly, that is ef you'll get me anything I want for it. Will you?" "Shore.

"Never mind," said Trot, trying to comfort her, "it's sure to be SOMEWHERE, so we'll cert'nly run across it some day." "Yes indeed," added Betsy, "now that we have Ozma's Magic Picture, we can tell just where the Dove went with your dishpan. They all approached the Magic Picture, and Dorothy wished it to show the enchanted form of Ugu the Shoemaker, wherever it might be.

"No," said she, holding firmly his rein and quickening her step. "A gentleman does not invite a lady to go out riding and leave her." His eyes lost their purpose. "I'll cert'nly take you home. That sorrel has gone in there by the wallow, and Judge Henry will understand."

"Where have they all gone?" I asked. He smiled at me. "It cert'nly is lonesome now, for a fact." "I didn't know you felt it," said I. "Feel it! they've went to the railroad. Three of them are witnesses in a case at Evanston, and the Judge wants our outfit at Medicine Bow. Steve shunned me. Did he think I was going back on him?" "What if he did? You were not.