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Monsieur became the father of several fine and healthy boys and girls, thus furnishing another proof of the truth of the maxim, "Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus." But the impotency arising from the predominance of the intellect is the least formidable of all.

It was thus that the almost childlike spirit of the Milanese painters felt the antique: how differently from their Roman brethren! It was thus that they interpreted the lines of their own poets: E i tuoi capei più volte ho somigliati Di Cerere a le paglie secche o bionde Dintorno crespi al tuo capo legati.

The reader needs neither smile at this avowal nor frown; for, not to remind my classical readers of the old Latin proverb, "Sine cerere," &c., it may well be supposed that in the existing state of my purse my connection with such women could not have been an impure one.

The heart of a male quail carried about a man, and the heart of a female quail carried about a woman, causes natural love and fruitfulness. Let them, also, that would increase their seed, eat and drink of the best, as much as they can; for sine Cerere el Libero, friget Venus, is an old proverb, which is, "without good meat and drink, Venus will be frozen to death."