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CERATE. Half a pound of white wax, half a pound of calumine stone finely powdered, and a pint and a half of olive oil, will make an excellent cerate. Let the calumine be rubbed smooth with some of the oil, and added to the rest of the oil and wax, which should be previously melted together. Stir them together till they are quite cold.

Syphilis raged amongst them with fearful violence; many had lost their noses, and all the glandular parts were considerably affected. I distributed some Turner's cerate to the women, but left Fraser to superintend its application.

At the end of which time six hours there will be a beautiful blister, which must then, with a pair of scissors, be cut, to let out the water, and then let the blister be dressed, night and morning, with simple cerate spread on lint.

Scrawled out as I could, groped about for my wig, found it at last, all soused in the mud; stuck to my head like Turner's cerate," "I hope, then, you got into a hackney coach?" "What for? to make things worse? was not bad enough, hay? must pay two shillings beside?" "But how did you find yourself when you got home, Sir?"

After that, for a day or two, she would be in a heavenly frame of mind with the blister and cabbage leaves and simple cerate, and a couple of mirrors by which to examine the rise and fall of the blister; and, having had a hint of real illness, she would consent quite smilingly to the act of convalescence, and a descent to the healthy region of the parlors once more.

WHITE CERATE. Take four ounces of olive oil, half an ounce of spermaceti, and four ounces of white wax. Put them into an earthen pipkin, and stir the mixture with a stick till it is quite cold. WHITE GRAVY. Boil in a quart of water a pound and a half of veal, from the knuckle or scrag end of the neck. Add a small onion, a bunch of sweet herbs, a blade of mace, a little whole pepper and salt.

When his turn came to be inspected by the attending surgeon, he was told to hold up the wounded leg, which he readily did, and then followed the washing, the application of simple cerate, and the bandaging, with a considerable show of interest and probable satisfaction. Thereafter, there was no occasion to ask him to attend the surgeon's inspection.

She has one ulcer on the outer ankle of the size of a shilling, and another behind it of the size of a horse-bean; they have been extremely troublesome and under surgical treatment for the last year, but during the last few weeks she has tried cerate, poultice, and the cold lotion.

Carbolic acid and cerate were applied to the arm, with stimulants internally. On the 15th his condition was good, the swelling had somewhat augmented, there was not so much lividity, but the yellowish hue had increased. On the 16th the man complained of pain in the neck, on the side of the affected limb, but his general condition was good.

Syphilis raged amongst them with fearful violence; many had lost their noses, and all the glandular parts were considerably affected. I distributed some Turner's cerate to the women, but left Fraser to superintend its application.