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In addition to these there is the usual number of specimens of the contemporary French school, culled from the annual Salons and presented to the museum by the State. Wherever the traveller goes, in France, he is reminded of this very honorable practice, the purchase by the Government of a cer- tain number of "pictures of the year," which are pre- sently distributed in the provinces.

"Won't you come too?" asked Lydia. "No, I'll stay at home to-night. I turned my ankle to-day and it is rather stiff. Father!" This time her voice was sharp, menacing almost, thought Lydia, and Mr. Briggerland made an heroic attempt to recover his self-possession. "Cer certainly, my dear I shall be delighted er delighted."

Brain. The soft mass of nerve tissue filling the upper cavity of the skull. Its cellular tissue is gray, and its fibrous tissue white. With the spinal cord it controls all the sensory and motor activities of the body. Cer e bel'lum. The part of the brain lying below the hind part of the cerebrum. Cer'e brum.

It was some time since Miss Mattie had felt that anyone had cared enough for her not to want to lose sight of her, and a delicate warm bloom went over her cheeks. She hurried into the little kitchen. "Mattie!" called Red. "What is it, Will?" she answered, coming to the door. "Can I smoke in this little house?" "Cer tainly! Sit right down and make yourself comfortable.

The Canal du Midi flows through the town, and, spanned at this point by a small suspension-bridge, presented a cer- tain sketchability. On the further side were the venders and chafferers, old women under awnings and big um- brellas, rickety tables piled high with fruit, white caps and brown faces, blouses, sabots, donkeys.

What the marquise at first had merely conjectured and put together from various signs, became, by constant assiduous observation, complete cer- tainty when the singer, after a tolerably long pause, joined in Josquin's hymn to the Virgin. In the Benedictio Mensae she remained silent, but at the first effective passage joined in the singing of the boys.

Under a Renaissance canopy of white marble, elaborately worked with arabesques and che- rubs, in a relief so low that it gives the work a cer- tain look of being softened and worn by time, lies the body of the Breton soldier, with, a crucifix clasped to his breast and a shroud thrown over his body.

My questioner, a saturnine gentleman in the pit, rose to his feet and continued "And if returned to Parliament, will you exert your influence to see that a jetty is constructed there at the earliest opportunity?" "Cer " There was a very slight movement beside me.

Fortunately, even Ruby himself in the midst of his ravings, had not dropped a word about the picrate that had been deposited in the hold; for although the mate had a power over the sailors that Captain Huntly had never possessed, I feel cer- tain that if the true state of the case had been known, noth- ing on earth would have prevented some of them, in their consternation, from effecting an escape.

So you see, my dear Charles, in all early cases you must enact the part of an ignoramus seeking for instruction, with vague ideas of how to set about it. I hope, while I am near you," she added, "no such occasion will arise, but I feel certain, with your passions and your power, dear, darling fellow push away I! I! I feel for cer certain they will ar arise."