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There lie they; just upon Thyestes' rags, And under those of Ino. CEPHISOPHON. Here! take them. Now Jove! who lookest on, and see'st through all, Your blessing, while thus wretchedly I garb me.

The cities of Euboea, most of which had been in the hands of Philip's party, were also formed into a confederacy, in alliance with Athens, under the leadership of Chalcis; Philistides was expelled from Oreus, about July 341, by the allied forces under Cephisophon; and later in the summer, Phocion drove Cleitarchus from Eretria.

It also elects by lot ten others, known as Annual Commissioners, who offer certain sacrifices and administer all the quadrennial festivals except the Panathenaea. To these the Hephaestia has now been added, in the archonship of Cephisophon. An Archon is also elected by lot for Salamis, and a Demarch for Piraeus. These officers celebrate the Dionysia in these two places, and appoint Choregi.

This decree then was proposed by Eubulus, not by me; and the next by Aristophon; he is followed first by Hegesippus, and he by Aristophon again, and then by Philocrates, then by Cephisophon, and then by all of them. But I proposed no decree upon this subject.

CEPHISOPHON. Within, and not within: Can'st fathom that? DIKAIOPOLIS. How within, yet not within? CEPHISOPHON. 'Tis true, old fellow. His mind is out collecting dainty verses, And not within. But he's himself aloft Writing a tragedy. DIKAIOPOLIS. Happy Euripides, Whose servant here can give such witty answers. Call him. CEPHISOPHON. It may not be.

In this ticklish predicament, he calls on Euripides, to lend him the tattered garments in which that poet's heroes were in the habit of exciting commiseration. We must suppose the house of the tragic poet to occupy the middle of the back scene. DIKAIOPOLIS. 'Tis time I pluck up all my courage then, And pay a visit to Euripides. Boy, boy! CEPHISOPHON. Who's there? DIKAIOPOLIS. Is Euripides within?

At last the latter becomes impatient of the contest, and proposes that Euripides himself, with all his works, his wife, children, Cephisophon and all, shall get into one scale, and he will only lay against them in the other two verses.

It is well known that Euripides, in the details and execution of his pieces, availed himself of the assistance of a learned servant, Cephisophon; and he perhaps also consulted with him respecting his plots.