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"Drive a ball over into Stayton and then fill up the score card while the Centrals are looking for it!" advised another Teall partisan. "Centrals?" jeered another boy from the South. Grammar. "Centrals? Show 'em they're just plain hello-girls!" Ted grinned broadly at this "hello-girls" nickname. Just then another fan from the southern part of Gridley piped up: "Ted, eat 'em.

"That was more like," grunted Ted, as he met his catcher at the bench. "In that first inning these Centrals had me almost scared." In the second half of this second inning the Souths scored one run.

In the sixth, after having two men struck out, the Norths took two base hits away from Prescott, and had men on first and second. In an unwary moment for the Centrals the man at second made third just ahead of the ball. "We'll have a third run in a moment, if our boys keep their heads," murmured Hi Martin confidently. "That will keep us at three to nothing."

"Where's Dick Prescott?" sounded a voice, this being followed by a dinning clamor for the captain of the Centrals. "Here!" called Dick, when he could make himself heard. "Pouch it off, Dick! Let the fun start. You're the right one to set the bonfire going." "Not I," Prescott answered. "There is some one else here who has been appointed to set the blaze going, and who has accepted the job."

Local trade unions were organized literally in every trade beginning in the second half of 1862. The first trades' assembly was formed in Rochester, New York, in March 1863; and before long there was one in every town of importance. The International Industrial Assembly was attempted in 1864, but failed to live up to the expectations: The time had passed for a national federation of city centrals.

The sugar cane has turned to a dirty brown where the fire has passed through it, the centrals are black ruins, and the adobe houses and the railroad stations are roofless, and their broken windows stare pathetically at you like blind eyes.

Some planters believe that had Spain loaned them sufficient money with which to continue grinding, the men would have remained on the centrals, as the machine shops and residence of a sugar plantation are called, and that so few would have gone into the field against Spain that the insurrection could have been put down before it had gained headway.

The eternal struggle remains between the large and little ideas between the men who see what might be and the men who only see what IS. There is still the race to break records. Already the girl at the switchboard can find the person wanted in thirty seconds. This is one-tenth of the time that was taken in the early centrals; but it is still too long. It is one-half of a valuable minute.

"Play ball, you red-heads!" jeered a boy, referring to the bright red caps of the North Grammars. "Don't holler for the police until you find out whether you can stand up to the Centrals." "Now, let us stop all guying of the players and all other nonsense," called Tozier firmly, as he held up his right hand. "Remember that we are here to see a game and not to listen to cheap wit."

"We don't want to be walloped by a score of ninety-four to two." "I haven't let anything get by me, have I?" grunted the catcher. "No; but signal for some of my new ones." "I don't want to put a crimp in your wing," muttered Wells. "That's all right. It's a tough wing. Don't let the Centrals score anything on us in this inning."