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A great many had lost their money, and their curses were loud and deep, while the winners went away as merry as "marriage bells." Winter Quarters at Bull Run. Sometime in October the brigade was withdrawn to the vicinity of Centerville for better facilities in the way of provisions, water, etc., and to be nearer the wooded section of the country.

"I never would have believed there could be such a primitive stretch of land within a hundred miles of Centerville. Right now you can look around in every direction, and there isn't a sign to show that you're not out at the foot of the Rockies, just as we found it at the time we had our big hunt." "At that time, you know, Frank, I hadn't caught on to this wild animal photography business.

The grave bishop tapped at the door which was immediately opened by Carl. "Is Mr. Sparrow here?" asked the professor. "No, sir," was the reply. "He has gone to Centerville, but will return by noon." "Well," said the bishop, "we really came to see you. You play the organ, and we are minus an organist at our chapel services. Mr.

No doubt, many persons ashore, who heard that lusty shout come ringing over the clear water of the beautiful little lake on which the town of Centerville was located, wondered what the burst of enthusiasm meant.

Keeping his army well in hand, he retreated to Bull Run, Fairfax and Centerville. While this was going on, there was a series of spirited encounters between the union and confederate cavalry, commanded by Pleasonton and Stuart, respectively the former bringing up the rear, and covering the retreat, the latter bold and aggressive as was his wont.

"Well, now, I'd like to do that same, if so be you fellows mean it. You see, my folks ain't always lived in Centerville. I thought that lots of things you talked about seemed kinder familiar to me, for I was brought up in that part of the State. Yes, I'll go home, and try and make up for what I done to hurt the old folks. Somehow, just the idea of it makes me feel better."

We fared sumptuously while at our camp near Centerville. Our wagon train going weekly up towards Warrenton and the mountains, returning laden with flour, meat, and the finest beef we had ever received.

Safely landed again in Centerville, and once more taking up their school work, we shall have to part from the boys. "Well, it was a great outing!" declared Will. "Talk to me about good times!" came from Jerry. "We never had a better." "Right you are," added Frank. "And the photos are all dandy." "They'll certainly be fine, to keep and look over in years to come," remarked Will.

It is such a beautiful night, and the lad wanted to go." "That is enough," exclaimed Quintin. "Jump in, we may catch him yet. Now, Cyrus, let them go," and they did go. In ten minutes they were in front of the telegraph office at the wharf at Centerville Landing. Just as they began to ascend the stairs a man and a boy came out of the office Tom and Leonidas.

As I was on the north side of the Pike, I skirted up the stream with a number of others until we found a place where we could scramble across, and soon after we passed within a brigade of our troops that were thrown across the road to check the probable pursuit of the enemy. "On reaching Centerville, we found everything in the direst confusion.